Actually I had not since I did not want to have to copy all of the information down outside of method and then re-enter it. I had been hoping to just be able to flip between screens and enter the data that way. That does work though and I am kicking myself for not just going ahead and taking that extra step to just get it done hah.
So I looked through the forum posts and any that remotely seemed like they might fix this problem such as going to fields/tables of contacts, customers, and entity and resaving them, or going to the actual lead and customer edit screens and republishing them, but the same problem kept occurring. My problem is this: I have a customer that has a few ...
What are some recommended email server providers that are compatible with method?
My problem is that every time that I input what I believe to be the necessary data to the edit email preferences, according to the support information in method, the pop up comes up that says that the action of sending the test email has timed out. We have a domain name that is hosted by, and so I use the companies ...
Is there an app that can translate method to other languages, or is it compatible with some online or program based translation engines?
The part about Outlook I get entirely now. The issue that I really want to figure out is how to clear out redundant contacts/merge contacts from Quickbooks using Method in the most efficient manner, and then also is it possible to then update Quickbooks as well so that the redundant contacts merge there or are deactivated?
My question is how to make this process of syncing and transferring contacts as simple and efficient as possible. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.