Yep it's back up. Thanks for the quick response.
This issue is now resolved, but we'll continue to monitor closely. Please give it another try. Thanks again for your patience.
This issue is now resolved, but we'll continue to monitor closely. Thanks again for your patience.
When returning to a screen that has a grid with checkboxes, the refresh grid action clears the checkboxes. this creates issues.
Before the new release I had built an app for a client that would help them batch process order lines. On certain occasions, they wanted to view the entire order, so I had a go to screen action on row click. This ...
We are experiencing an issue with the Method Report Server. Our team is on it. We'll let you know when the issue is resolved. Thanks so much for your patience.
We are experiencing an issue with the Method Report Server. Our team is on it. We'll let you know when the issue is resolved. Thanks so much for your patience.
I am getting an error when trying to load reports. "Error^Action Sequence Order:^ERROR: There was an unspecified error loading the report. Please check your Generate Report action to ensure all fields are setup properly, and that the report loads correctly in the report designer." Nothing on our end has changed.
Hi Alex
I believe your problem has to do with the shared result cookie reaching its max memory size. Once that happens, everything goes a little wonkey. Some things work, some things dont, NOTHING makes sense... you try tracking down the problem, create new problems, then all of a sudden the original problem is fixed. I struggled with ...
Hey Aaron,
That's great news that you were able to figure the formatting out.
-- Loi
I have created a report for New Leads but, I want to be able to run the report for just one Lead at a time not all the leads at once. When we put new leads into our old sysytem (ACT) we print off a Lead Sheet for the new potential client. I want to be able to continue this. Can I get any advice?