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  • Renaming objects with actions can cause actions to break

    Renaming objects with actions can cause actions to break. For example, I have a button named Save with another button calling the actions from Save. After I renamed it to Save &amp; Back, I had to relink the actions on the Call Another Action set.
    Posted to Method General Q & A (Forum) by mahlonf on 10-01-2015
  • Go To Contact on New Activity need actions

    The Go to contact action on the new activity screen should have a Save All action so any changes are save in the event you look at the contact during the creation of the new activity.&nbsp; The Go To Screen also needs an Internal Note
    Posted to Method General Q & A (Forum) by mahlonf on 10-01-2015
  • Re: Duplicate Estimate Button

    Cameron, You can duplicate an estimate. but as Val stated you need to add a button with actions to insert records into Estimate Table - &nbsp;which&nbsp;gets you&nbsp;a new header record and then insert records into Estimat Line table using the Action Result RecordID from the Estimate Table record you just created. &nbsp; If you would like help, ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by fran on 09-30-2015
  • Re: Grid Loop Out of Control

    Michael - thank you for your post and patience as we work through this issue. I aspire for Method to be a customer centric company that provides small businesses an experience and solution that is customized for the way they want to work, and of course is stable and reliable. Admittedly, this doesn&#39;t always come through in our execution... ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Paul on 09-30-2015
  • Filter Opportunity Report by Campaign

    Is there a way to set up a customer Opportunity Report to filter by Campaign? Thanks
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by CameronH on 09-30-2015
  • Re: Duplicate Estimate Button

    Hi Cameron, Unfortunately, there is no way to change the table once that particular action has been set up (the insert record into table action) so you would need to start from the beginning by selecting the proper table. In case you&rsquo;re curious, if we allowed users to change the table it would open the door to many potential errors. ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Valbon on 09-30-2015
  • Table documentation?

    We are working through the quirks of setting up report templates and other things related to tables and while we are usually able to figure things out, we frequently have questions about a particular field or table. For example, &quot;is this the right field to use? It&#39;s displaying empty - what is it supposed to contain?&quot;, etc. So far ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by TTDJason on 09-30-2015
  • Duplicate Estimate Button

    I want to make a button on the Estimates Screen that will duplicate an estimate. I saw a forum post about reverse engineering the Create Sales Order button. But is there a way to copy the settings from that button and only change what needs to be changed for the estimate to work? if so, what changes would need to be made besides changing the ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by CameronH on 09-30-2015
  • Re: New to retrieve values from Preferences

    Hey Mahlon, I see how that table is available&nbsp;in M:C to retrieve records, I do not see it M:N. I have created a ticket for our development team to take a look. I&#39;ll update our thread as soon as I hear back. -- Mortaza
    Posted to Method General Q & A (Forum) by Method_Morty on 09-30-2015
  • Re: Grid Loop Out of Control

    Yesterday my Loop Through Grid which was working for weeks prior suddenly stopped working properly and gave me wierd results. So, I changed to Loop through Table, and that helped, but still getting strange results. I noticed around 9 PM PST Method slowed to a crawal, and maybe that&#39;s when things were being rolled back. I spent almost 10 hours ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by DaveGutie on 09-30-2015
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