I'm trying to do some calculations off of the total amount of a work order within the work order. I added the total amount field, but that screws up my work order list calculations. I don't want to lose that, since it's a great visual aid when looking at the day's workload. However, need to find a way to add ...
I added a few checkboxes to work orders to make it easier for employees to set the correct status. I made it that if you check the box, the staus field is populated with a particular status. However if you click a different checkbox it changes the staus as it should, but the check in the original checkbox remains and this ...
Thanks James!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe I will finally get somewhere. Unbelievable! Will advise...
We've had multiple issues with Method's SSL certificate being verified by ColdFusion which is Java based. The solution, multiple times per year, has been to re-import Method's SSL certificate into the Java trusted keystore. After the Amazon move, this has been a bigger hassle. I believe, yet have no proof, ...
Thanks James.
I just copied the plain old HTML page to my server and then filled it in. I get the same error.
I put in a support ticket with my hosting provider to see if they have some crazy security measures in place that are getting in the way. It would not surprise me because I had something similar many years ago, I think it had ...
Sorry to hear that Roper.
Our code looks something like this sans the actual form and the resulting variable formatting code...
<!--- Method Variables Setup --->
<!--- <cfset variables.methodURL = ""> --->
<cfset variables.methodURL = ...
Thanks James. I fixed the typo for "redUrl" to "retURL" and no difference.
The oid is correct.
I've make sure that my Web-To-Lead form exists within Method and that my ASP code corresponds exactly to the same INPUT items.
My site is SSL encrypted by default so I've inputted both "https" and ...
Method already keeps all your customer history and follow-ups in one place, but we’re taking small business customer management up a notch with our Gmail Gadget — a tool that brings your CRM right into your email inbox.
What is it?
The Gmail Gadget is a Google Apps integration that allows you to access your CRM data directly ...
Please provide an updated on this issue. i now have three customers waiting to pay invoices, but are unable because this link is broken.
Thank you.
I am trying to post from my phone which is extremely frustrating. So, I apologize for this being difficult to read. One thing I try first whenever my web to lead forms fail is to change the method submission URL from https to http or vice versa. I don't think it applies here. But I'm throwing it out there just in case.