Hey Greg,
Take at our help center article on Screen Management and look for 'Redirect.'
In your case it seems like you need to go into Manage Apps > Edit Apps (Estimate or Invoice) and redirect the New/Edit screen to your customized version.
Another way of doing all this and the redirects at one go: head ...
Welcome to the forums!
And yes that can defintely be done in Method:CRM.
Using the Report Designer you can customize as many templates as you would like for any table. That includes unique logos for each template if needed.
Take a look at our help center article and the videos and follow up if you have further ...
One major issue with Quickbooks Online is the inability for it to generate invoices that are from one of many tradenames registered to a given corporate entity. I was looking at Method:CRM as a way to get around this limitation but so far it seems to also have the limitation even though it displays a different invoice and logo. It is entirely ...
Have you gone throughthe help documentation?
There is lots of helpful info and videos.
I am customizing a screen and have a grid where I would like to specify "Editing takes place directly in the grid". However the radio button on the grid wizard (Step 5 of 9 Allow Edit) is not selectable. It is set to "Do not allow..." and the other radio option is disabled and not ...
This may be a clue as to why these screens won't work, and also why I can't edit the Web-To-Lead screen...
In the app configuration, the default screens for editing/new is set to the original screens. You can change the default screen to the custom screen in the dropdown, however when you save the settings you are not able to unless you ...
If I make a copy of either of these screens and try to view the fresh working copy, even without customization, I get the following error:
The ActiveRecordChange event for New / Edit Estimate(2) failed to complete.
Message: Filter cannot be found
Stack Trace:
#2 - Action Set (btnGridAppearance_onClick)
#2 - Condition
#1 - SetViewFilter ...
I'm creating a time tracking solutions in Method New for an account linked with QBO. I need access to the Payroll Wage Item field.
When I add a column to a grid on the Time Tracking table, the field exists.
When I try to add the field to the New Time Entry screen, only the record ID is there
When I check the Time Tracking ...
Hey Alex,
Yes it is fine, and for a recap on how to complete the task refer to THIS thread.
-- Mortaza