Is there a way to shade specific columns, i.e. fields, in a grid?
Is there are way to use grid subtotals to calculate a field? If so, how do I find out the names of the subtotal fields?
For example, if I wanted to calculate estimated revenue per hour in a work order, first I would add a field EstRevPerHour. Then I would want to take the Amount subtotal from the Tasks & Materials grid and divide ...
I am getting an error message. Here is what I entered:
Private Sub OnBeforePrint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs)
End Sub
I am getting the following error ...
I am more concerned about Actual Qty.
For example, I quote a job and estimate I'll use 5 yards of topsoil, Qty = 5. I actually use 6 yards of topsoil but I want the customer's bill to reflect the original quote for 5 yards of topsoil. I want to use 6 yards of soil in my cost calculation. Where do I enter 6 for job ...
Total Profit is in the table in a calculated format. Total Actual Man Hours is just a sum on the report.
I have a report with Total Profit (calculated) and Total Actual Man Hours (calculated). How to I set up a calculation for:
Total Profit/Total Actual Man Hours
Very helpful. The Cost field says if the item type is 'Service' it will be calculated Act Man Hrs x Cost Per, otherwise it will be Qty x Cost Per. Where are item types defined as 'Service'? Also, for non-service items, what about Actual Qty vs. Estimated Qty? Are you supposed to overwrite the Est Qty?
Is there someplace in the Work Order to enter actual materials used and cost of materials? I see where you enter actual hours and cost of labor but I don't see anything for materials.
Is there a way to copy a section of a screen? I want to copy the Existing Work Orders section of the Work Order tablink, make it a new section and then edit it. If not, is there a way to copy an existing grid to a new section?
In a grid, can I reference a field that is not in the table that the grid is based on?