I need to be able to fill in data in a field and have it autofill that information in same field but on another screen. So that the fields essentially sync.
For example I have a field called billing email on my customer screen. But when I pull that customer up in an invoice I need it to populate billing email field on invoice with ...
Okay thanks. Would be a nice feature for you to consider implementing in a future release. You have done a great job with the gadget making method very google centric. This would up it a notch in my opinion for those who like to work out of gmail as much as possible.
I already have my email setup in method the way you described and am using gmail. But when I am inside of method and need to email a customer I see no way to email unless I use the native client inside of Method (this sends with my gmail account correctly but still uses the native method interface). I could ...
When sending an email from within method is there a way to use gmail instead of the native email client inside method? If able to do this will it log it as an activity inside method? In other words I would rather use gmail when sending because it is more full featured but I don't want to have to manually go and ...
Thank You
Where can I view list of actions etc... assigned to a particular field or button?. This may be remedial but I cannot figure out how to view the list of actions that have been assigned. When I am editing a screen I click on edit on a paticular field (or object) and can create new actions but do not see a way to view ...