Thank you for your reply. I was in the process of building the grid, but could not find a date field to include. I want to not only be able to see what items/qty was purchased, but also when. Do you know how I would go about doing this?
Thank you,
I am currently in the process of setting up Method for our company, and am now at the stage of figuring out the best way to track which of our products the customer currently has (since this information determines service/future purchases etc). It seems that the transaction tab could give some insight into this, but the grid only shows the ...
Our company runs everything on thin clients connected to our main server. When it comes to using the Outlook Plugin as well as the Method Integration Engine, will these work installed on our main server? Is there a process/protocol to follow when setting this all up with thin clients as opposed to stand alone desktops?
Thank you,
After testing it out further, the error only occurs when i add € to the EstimateLine.calcAmount column. I have also tried EstimateLine.Amount in this area too. I went into the script for estimateline.calctotalamount and clicked the default script button and it seems to work now. Not sure what I did, but I am no longer getting the ...
Hey, to answer your questions: I am customizing the stock estimate report, and I am not running any scripts that I know of. The data I am applying this to is the estimateline.rate, estimateline.amount, and estimateline.totalamount. I know it has to do with this because when I change it back from €0.00 to $0.00 it ...
When I change it and then click preview I am getting the error "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name:Index." After clicking ok on that I get the error "The following error occured when the script in procedure xrItemPrice.OnBeforePrint:Conversion from string ...
I have a database that needs to display Euros at all times. I have gone into the customize tab and changed the default currency symbol in display to EUR. However, my forms are still showing $. I have looked at the formatstring of the fields in report designer but I do not see other currency symbol options. I know that c2 will change the ...
I am in the process of designing all of my print forms. I created the estimate form how I wanted it and then made a copy to edit further as my sales order (so I didn't have to start from scratch twice). I have got everything how I wanted expect the fields that are bound to Estimate.EstimateLine I cannot change over to the SalesOrderLine ...
I have one more question. I noticed that the fields like PO Number, Terms,Due Date, etc in the sales order screen use a label object in one cell and the actual data field below it. While in the estimates screen they just include a caption (location: top) within the data field. Is there a difference between these two methods? In the case ...
That worked, thank you so much! I was stuck on that for a while.