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  • Re: Force Screen Refresh not working

    Hi Matt, This has been&nbsp;(officially)&nbsp;resolved.&nbsp;Post&nbsp;back&nbsp;if you&#39;re still having issues. - Justin
    Posted to Fixed and resolved issues (Forum) by Method_Justin on 01-07-2015
  • Re: Grid Column Sizing

    Hi Matt, If&nbsp;you check the box for&nbsp;Fixed Column Layout&nbsp;under the general settings for your grid in the screen designer,&nbsp;the column widths will display porportionally based on the values entered&nbsp;as they would have&nbsp;in Method:Classic. This will allow you to toggle between the two, so&nbsp;if you do end up deciding which ...
    Posted to Method Beta General Q & A (Forum) by Method_Justin on 01-07-2015
  • Re: Bill screen

    Hi Marcelo, When you&#39;re creating a new record, you would not want to have an active record ID on the screen. You would only want an&nbsp;active record ID if you&#39;re modifying a record that already exists. Hope this helps. - Justin
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Justin on 01-07-2015
  • Re: Email to case 2015

    Hi rmkc512, I should also mention that our Gmail Gadget streamlines the process of creating a case. If you use&nbsp;Google Apps for your email, you can install our Gmail Gadget and it will allow you to create a case from the same page you&#39;re reading the email on. It also&nbsp;automatically uploads the email to the EmailBody field of the ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Justin on 01-07-2015
  • Re: Relationship between 2 fields

    Hi Marcelo, Sorry for the late reply, I initially missed this. I created a table for makes called&nbsp;CarMake&nbsp;and a table for models called&nbsp;CarModel. I then added a required dropdown field&nbsp;Make&nbsp;to the CarModel table, which created&nbsp;the link between the two tables. Hope this helps. - Justin
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Justin on 01-07-2015
  • Re: Email to case 2015

    Hi rmkc512, There is no way to have a case created froman&nbsp;incoming email.&nbsp;The ability to create cases is available through our stock Contacts Portal&nbsp;however, so you could encourage your customers to use this feature. Hope this helps. - Justin
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Justin on 01-07-2015
  • Re: Tag or Un-Tag a group of contacts

    Hi haydenareadb, There isn&#39;t a way to get each tag into its own cell, however&nbsp;you can use Microsoft Office&#39;s Replace command to replace text in a string (e.g.&nbsp;&quot;tag3,&quot; in &quot;tag1,tag2,tag3,tag4&quot;) within Excel. This MS Office support article explains how to&nbsp;accomplish this. Hope this helps. - Justin
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Justin on 01-07-2015
  • Re: Formatting editable grids

    Hi furrywombat, There is unfortunately no way to set alignment for non-editable or&nbsp;SQL override fields that are part of an editable grid. - Justin
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Justin on 01-06-2015
  • Re: adding a birthday field to cients

    Hi Edward, Sorry for the late reply.&nbsp;Customers&nbsp;and&nbsp;Contacts&nbsp;are two separate tables in Method, and have separate&nbsp;screens as a result. The Customer is the main one you&#39;re concerned with for QuickBooks-related purposes, they&#39;re the entity to which&nbsp;you attach Estimates, Invoices, etc., whereas a Contact would ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Justin on 01-06-2015
  • Re: Manage Tags Permission

    Hi Matt, I&#39;ve created a ticket for this issue. I&#39;ll keep you posted through this forum thread. - Justin
    Posted to Known issues (Forum) by Method_Justin on 01-05-2015
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