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  • Re: Method service stopped

    Hi lzimmerle, The Method Integration Engine starts automatically with QuickBooks through a certificate installed in your QuickBooks company file. You can check for this in QuickBooks by going to Edit &gt; Preferences &gt; Integrated Applications &gt; Company Preferences. There should be two Method applications&nbsp;listed here:&nbsp;Method ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Justin on 12-29-2014
  • Re: Previous balance

    Hi Marcelo, Since you want to use two different templates, you&#39;ll need two separate Generate Report actions. This will result in a separate pop-up for each template, there&#39;s no way around that. To stop the second&nbsp;pop-up when&nbsp;there are&nbsp;no records to print for that template, you can set up some test&nbsp;flags. You&#39;ll ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Justin on 12-24-2014
  • Re: Previous balance

    Marcelo, There are multiple ways you could go about this.&nbsp;You could have a flag (Yes/No value) on the invoice record that&nbsp;you could check to determine&nbsp;which template to use on a per-invoice basis. You could have a flag on the customer record and link it into the invoice table to do the same&nbsp;on a per-customer basis. Here&#39;s ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Justin on 12-23-2014
  • Re: Previous balance

    Marcelo, You&#39;d probably want to use a&nbsp;checkbox.&nbsp;If checked,&nbsp;use&nbsp;the&nbsp;template with the Previous Balance amount. If it&#39;s not checked,&nbsp;use whichever template is selected as default. - Justin&nbsp;
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Justin on 12-23-2014
  • Re: Previous balance

    Hi Marcelo, You can actually do this right in the Report Designer by adding a Calculated Field, there&#39;s no need to add it to your screen if you don&#39;t need it there. First you&#39;ll need to add your Customer&#39;s Balance as a linked field to the Invoice table via Customer. Then&nbsp;from&nbsp;within Report Designer,&nbsp;add a ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Justin on 12-23-2014
  • Re: Previous balance

    Hi Marcelo, What do you mean by previous balance? Do you mean the current customer balance not including the invoice being displayed? Let me know. - Justin
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Justin on 12-23-2014
  • Re: Lead generation with Gravity Forms

    Hi David, Sorry for the late reply. I don&#39;t think it&#39;s likely we&#39;ll&nbsp;integrate with Gravity Forms, especially&nbsp;with Method:New&#39;s Public Pages on the horizon. Public pages will give you much more power than a traditional web form&nbsp;since you&#39;ll be able to use actions to control what happens on the page. I&#39;d ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Justin on 12-23-2014
  • Re: Questions on Screen Forking

    Hi Matt, Sorry for the late reply, we&#39;re looking into this. - Justin
    Posted to Method Beta General Q & A (Forum) by Method_Justin on 12-22-2014
  • Re: Web to Lead Forms - Conditional Formating

    Matthew, Essentially,&nbsp;you&#39;d need a web&nbsp;form for each scenario.&nbsp;You&#39;d have to&nbsp;code your toggles into your web page and display one single web form appropriate to their states. So, if the user selects Option 3 for Dropdown A and Option 2 for Dropdown B, show them&nbsp;the web form you have for that specific situation. ...
    Posted to Method:Classic Web Forms (Forum) by Method_Justin on 12-22-2014
  • Re: Estimate line items report and pictures

    Hi John, You should be able to do this by adding a field with&nbsp;Field Type&nbsp;&quot;Picture&quot; to the Item table&nbsp;(where you will upload your item&#39;s picture), then linking that field into your EstimateLine table via the&nbsp;Item field. You should then be able to drag &amp; drop the linked field on to your report in the Report ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Justin on 12-22-2014
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