Thank you for the update - We can replicate this on our end.
I have created a ticket for our dev team to investigate this further. I will post back once I have an update for you.
So we have a very interesting situation: We created a new Purchase Order in Method:CRM. That syncs to Quickbooks nicely. But then Quickbooks syncs it back to Method - as a new Purchase Order. That goes back to Quickbooks, and from Quickbooks again back to Method:CRM, creating one more. This goes on and on and on...
Anybody ever ran into such a ...
I just tried another test using this command:
MethodApiResponse response = methodWrapper.UpdateRecord(1, "Activity", new string[ { "BogusFieldName" }, new string[ { "Test Value" }, "68");
which should return an error indicating that the column doesn't exist is also returning the same "API could ...
Hey Mahlon,
You have a rough estimate of how many Open Opportunities it is looping through?
- Mortaza
Hey Alex,
This can't be done, there are no settings to choose which specific date to start the sync from. Can a workaround be creating a copy of the QB company file with data after that date and syncing with that QB file?
- Mortaza
Hey Alex,
As it's a Browser level issue, it will be very tough to find a fix using the platform. You can try to move the section around on the Screen Designer to see if the issue is still happening, it will be more of a trial & error.
I will also try some steps on my end and see if I can find a fix.
- Mortaza
Well, I'm receiving the error if I pass any non-existent RecordId to the Update method. It seems to happen on any table. Code snippets below:
//from Method request wrapper class
public MethodApiResponse UpdateRecord(int MerchantId, string Table, string[ Fields, string[ Values, string RecordId)
MethodWebService.Service svc ...
Thanks. It is nice to know Firefox is an option, My clients are using some plugins only available in IE/Chrome.
Is there any tweak I can do to shorten that big gap? or any action I can use to move this section? Thanks.
Hi Mortaza,
Thanks. But our case is, we don't want to see any transaction on Method before a specfic day (like Jul/31/2015), but still want Method integration engine to keep synchronizing transactions within 365 day.
For example, today is Aug/05/2015, and I set Transaction history to maintain for this past "365" days. I think ...
The screenshots are not loading up, do you mind reposting with the screenshots?
I use to host the image and then copy the Direct URL it gives after the upload is complete.
Then click on and insert using the URL.
- Mortaza