Are you using a standard Method screen or a customized Method screen? If you are using a customized screen does the same thing happen on the orginal screen?
If its happening on a the standard screen email me your account name and enable MethodSupport (Customize > Users) and i will login and take a look.
Method has a reminder feature built in that will send a reminder 15 minutes before an activity(Call) is due it doesn't automatically send them an email when a call is created, though you could through customization have Method send an email to their phone anytime a new Call is created.
Are they logging into the mobile website when ...
I will bring this up in the next Method meeting as a suggestion.
Consulting time is $125 and hour charged in half hour blocks, something like this should not take more then an hour and we could make the changes for you and show you how to do it so in future you can make similar changes yourself. . You can email me directly if you want to set something up.
To get this to work you would have to edit the CRM_ActivitiesList Screen and edit the actions found in the Header section edit the actions in the GoToEditActivity-DONOTSHOW button.
In the GoToEditActivity-DONOTSHOW, you would need to get the RecurrenceType for the Activity you just selected and if it is an Occurrence, show a ...
For a Check Box you can use a combination of a shape object and a label instead of a Check Box and rotate the label.
As for Rich Text field changing the angle is currently not supported in the designer.
What kind of content do you have in Rich Text? Can you use a label instead?
For those who are getting neck pains reading the above response:
Select the label and in the Property Grid look for Angle under the Behavior section, setting a value there will rotate the label.
This forum post HERE may help you address this issue. The user who created the forum post I have linked had the same issue you did and was able to resolve it.
Nothing has changed for this at the moment the following is what the QB SDK supports.
Purchase Order >> Bill
Purchase Order >> Item Receipt
Sales Order >> Invoice