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You searched for the word(s): email
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  • Re: Customize follow up email message

     Hey Lee, Give it a try again today and let me know, I've tested this again today and it's now working fine. When did you create the template that you're having problems with? Was it on the same day you tested it out? Or did  you create it and go back a few days later and try to use it?
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 01-19-2010
  • Re: Email Integration

     Amanda, Since I have tried several add-ins etc over the past couple years, per your suggestion, I reinstalled Outlook on my PC.   The result was a bit messy.  The new install disconnected me from my .pst file so I initially lost my data.  Got that back, although now it shows up in a seperate folder.  Still ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Michele on 09-05-2009
  • Re: Email template merge fields: how does it determine table/active record?

    [quote user="smohyee"]...the merge fields use the active record ID for the current screen/table the template is loaded into.[/quote] The merge is not always based off active RecordID.  Replacing merge fields relies on the Character Function action, specifically the option Replace <<merge>> fields.  Take a look the ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 04-13-2012
  • Re: Email problem

    Adam, I just tried again and noticed that if I choose the "blank" template from the email template list, it will send - but if I do not choose a template and just type in a message, it still will not send.  I did the two emails right behind each other so nothing changed in-between.  Could it have something to do with the ...
  • Mass email distributrion using List Builder: Sent emails history?

    Hello, I have been utilizing the List Builder under Campaigns for mass email distributrions. Everything is working fine, but I am curiuos if there is a way to track the emails that were sent from Method via the List Builder? Capturing a history of all emails sent from Method is valuable, I just don't know if it is possible, and if so, where ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Ivana on 09-12-2014
  • Method speed, and an email question

    Working with Method from Salesforce.  I really like some of the features it offers, and am getting used to it pretty quickly.  I have successfully started modifing the estimate template and screens to fit my quote needs. One big issue I have noticed - It is substantially slower than Salesforce.  This holds true over a very fast ...
  • Re: Attaching multiple files to an email.

    Hi Michael, Emails can contain multiple attachments, when setting up the Send Email action you can click the plus sign beside the Attachment Location field to add more attachments. If you're not sure how many attachments you need, you can use conditional statements to setup different combinations of Send Email actions with different ...
  • SMTP Interruption - Email Error

    Recently our Service Provider reported our service as unabailble for about an hour - during which time some Method users weree assigning Activities.  The email alert emails bounced and an error message was shown - Email Send Failure Alert.   My question is - when the service returns what would happen to the alert emails?  I read on ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by acldemac on 04-28-2014
  • Re: Not able to email

    Hi Brian, Based on what you said in your post, this sounds like an issue that is only affecting your Method Account.  For an issues like this, I would suggest calling in to our Support line so that we can troubleshoot over the phone with you and doing some testing.  I am not aware of any changes on our in regards to this. Either call ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 02-27-2014
  • Re: Email Template

    Hi Andrew,  Are you using merge fields to bring date fields and estimate line items into the email template? I'm not sure what you mean by how multiple line items are displayed on an email template, can you elaborate a little more on what your end goal is? I'll have to look into how to format the date ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Jason on 10-01-2013
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