We are experiencing intermittent issues with reporting. We're on it and will get back shortly with an update.
Is there a way to retrieve and view the total amount invoiced to date, per job/customer, on the customer grid?
Please provide the steps to customize this, if it is possible.
Thank you.
We have recently had some personel changes and due to training time for our new sales rep we have many activities that have not been completed that we would like to either mark as completed or simply delete from CRM. We have about 300 in total. Is there an easy way to make a button to either of these things?
Hey Matt,
There is no ETA in place for when it will be available. But I have brought it up with our development team, as soon as I receive an update from them I'll post it on this thread here.
- Mortaza
I have just noticed that my customized, contacts portal payment screen does not have a pop up notification that indicates to the customer that the payment has been processed and approved. this lack of a notifying pop up causes customers to submit the payment multiple times.
can you direct me to the process of ...
Any idea when the Find Character action will be available? It's difficult to use the substring action without knowing the index of secific text.
Works like a charm - thanks again for your help and patience!
Hey Mike,
All the changes were done on my test account (EditCase). I cannot make the changes on the screen for you. Follow my original post and you should be able to have it working the same way on your account:
- Open your CMR_EditCase_CSv2
- Edit the OnScreenLoad-DONOTSHOW object
- Within the "If Case Activity ...
Awesome - this is very helpful. The only request left is to make the changes to the version of the Edit Case screen that we're currently using - that's CMR_EditCase_CSv2. If you could make the changes to that one we should be all set.
Thank you again for all your help,
Hey Matt,
I was able to replicate this issue. I have created a ticket for our development team, I'll keep you posted in this thread.
- Mortaza