Hello Brett,
If there was a custom screen built off of Audit Trail that should'nt be impacted. Can you send account details to support team so that they can troubleshoot the issue?
Hello Brett,
We have retired our legacy Audit Trail from Classic platform. However, you will be able to access similar information in our New platform. Please send your account details to our support team so that they can help you with the same.
Hello hanwell,
Thanks for reaching out. Can you email with the request that you are trying to POST to Insert into EstimateLine table?
Hello boblaw,
Our API does not send a JSON response yet. It is definitely on the horizon. We have plans to release the initial version sometime in the first half of next year.
Hello Symm Test,
We need more details to help you with this. Can you send the following details to
Method Company Account:
Table Name:
List of fields:
Hello hanwell,
Thanks for reaching out. We would need more field level details along with your company account to understand and help with the issue. Please email with that information.
Hello hanwell,
Thanks for reaching out. We would need more table/field level details along with your company account to understand and help with the issue. Please email with that information.
Hello Katie,
Thanks for reaching out. Any Contact inserted into Contacts table should have an Entity (Customer/Vendor/CustomerLead) associated with it. If you have not inserted an Entity already, please insert an Entity into Customer or Vendor table. Use the Name of that Entity when you insert Contacts into the Contacts table. ...
Thanks for the feedback over chat. Hope everything is resolved on your end. Going forward, our Method Support team should be able to help you with API related issues and if necessary create a case for the dev team as well.
Thanks for reaching out. We have verified and confirmed that there are no issues with our API currently. As discussed over chat someone from Method will be reaching out tomorrow in the morning.