Thank you very much for your response. I have not tried this yet on my side but it makes sense.
Cannot get signed in...Every time I click on go to classic version, it takes me back ti the sighg in screen.
Hi Maria,
Sorry for the delay. I understand that this is having a detrimental effect on your work process and I thank you again for your patience. I spoke with the support representative who is assigned to your case. He is going to reach out to you in approximately 1 hour (~3:20pm EDT) when he is available.
If you are calling us, please make ...
Again today Monday 6/8/15 we are still experiencing the same problems and as of 2pm this afternoon we have not heard from a community support specialist. Also, no one seems to be answering the phones again today. Below you will find the email I sent yesterday regarding this entire situation and problems we are having.
As stated in previous ...
Hi pinline,
You can accomplish this in a couple of ways.
1) Create 2 tab groups with the desired accessible screens (1 for each role) and give each user access to the corresponding tab group.
2) Select the roles that have access to each tab link (screen). This can be done from the Customize > Tabs screen by selecting Edit Tab Links and ...
Hi - how do I set permission on a screen level. For example, if I have 5 screens in the customer tab (A, B, C, D, E ) and I want users in Role 1 to be able to see only screens A, B, C and users who are role 2 to see only screens D, E - how would I accomplish that?
Hi Matt,
I see what you mean in that there’s really no way to progress through the “steps” showing each as it needs to be completed, but also allow the user to skip ahead by manually displaying a step. As such, I have created a feature request ticket to include an action for toggling the collapsed state of a section.
I hope ...
Hi Shanari,
The easiest method for accomplishing this would be to add a dropdown field to your Customer table that links to your students (probably your Customer table again). This is your referral field. You can then add linked fields to store the additional data that you need via the dropdown such as the student # and student email.
When you ...
Hi Audisho,
I'm trying to replicate the Contacts Reports screen from classic where the sections are in tabs and you progress along each step. I'm sure there are other ways I can achieve the desire results, so its no urgent but it would probably be nice to have at some point.