Hi Shaun,
I was able to test this out, but I didn't get any errors. Can you try again? Also, make a copy of the invoice screen you are working on and try again. I was unable to re-create this on your account.
- Adam
Hi Marcelo,
You can't change the actual job item from the Recurring Dates tab. Remember that the other occurrences in the series are not automatically given a job item when created for this very reason, as the job items can change depending on the time of year the recurring work order is scheduled or the nature of the series (in your ...
Hi jsenick,
You are correct, the "print items in group" option appears to have been reversed after a recent fix. You get this back by going into Quickbooks and unchecking that option for the group item. Make sure this is done in Quickbooks, as the SDK does not allow Group Item modifications. This means that any third ...
Hi Miles,
I took a look and I think I found the invoice you are referring to. I need to do some additional testing as I broke down the math and it appears to be calculating the tax on an individual item level, causing tax on some items to round up to the nearest cent. If this happens on two items, you'd end up with a one cent ...
The basic functions of Method are the same across all accounts, and mine is not rounding up. Could you email me your Method account name and enable the MethodSupport user? You can do this by going to Customize > Users and checking the checkbox next to the MethodSupport user.
The Edit Customer screen should be the same for all users. What are the other users seeing?
- Adam
What I would do is click the advance button for the main screen. In the action set for "onClosePopUp", first use the "Get value from shared Result" to set a local action result to the value of the shared result. Then use the "Retrieve value from table" to get the value of the fields you need (using the ...
Yes, it should. I tested this out myself using the Value from Session > Current - Screen Active RecordID and it worked as I thought. This was why I was confused as to the additional screen and thought that maybe the select link for that screen was missing something. Either way, as long as you are getting the right value ...
That should work too.
I'm a little confused about this whole setup. From what I understand, you have the sales order screen where another screen will popup and allow you to select a ship to address and have that added to your Sales order screen. You also created a new table and screen to store these addresses. Am I ...