Try doing it on a copy of the contacts list from the contacts app
This is what I'm showing now
This is what I have available
Hi Mahlon,
It shows fine for me.
Are you sure it’s not already added to the grid?
Hi Mahlon,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. While you can work around this by assigning the value to an action result as you stated, this is certainly not the intended functionality. As such, I have created a ticket for our development team to investigate. I’ll keep you posted on any updates that I receive via this ...
I have a situation where I want to display Entity on the Contact grid. Doesn't seem to let me do that
It is a QBD account. I don't need it to sync with QBD, although that would be nice. In M:C we had to create special logic if we wanted the mobile phone to display on the Customer screen and to link it to other table from the customer table
Hi Mahlon,
Are you testing this on a Method for QBO account? As far as I can tell, this is a QBO field and was available in Method for QBO prior to M:N. It looks like the field is now available to both versions in M:N, but I don’t believe it will sync with the QBD version.
I have a situation where I want to use the same value retrieved from a table to populate two different fields on a screen. It gives an error. I know I can create an action result and update controls on screen. Is this a feature that can be added?
To clarify: Why would you limit us to one result, severly impacting potential functionality that would broadly increase our ability to provide useful grid data?
Not: Why will a function not complete when it results in error.
Hi FW,
As I said, the query throws an error if more than one value is returned per field.
Not possible, okay, but WHY?