Hi all,
I'm far from an expert in the not for profit field. I do have a very long time friend who has consulted in that industry and knows much more than I do. I gave him a presentation yesterday during which we uncovered the following issues, some more critical than others.
1) Terminology is a 'huge' issue in this ...
Hi Alex,
Good news! We deployed an update yesterday that corrected this issue. When a CreditMemoLine or VendorCreditLineItem record initially posts to QB, the RecordID is no longer being changed by the sync. This results in the custom field data being retained instead of lost.
Test this out and post back to let me know if you believe this to be ...
Hi Matt,
I’m going to have to ask around on this one. The Transaction table isn’t a standard table and is generated using some backend voodoo. It does not appear to contain an Entity_RecordID field and this may be why your connection doesn’t work. I’ll post back as soon as I have some more information.
Hi Audisho,
After looking more I don't think the Entity field is the issue. I have a work order app that links the Entity field in the activity table to the Customer Record ID and works fine, trying the exact same setup for the transaction app throws the error when the Customer screen loads. I sent you screen shots of the setup.
Hi Jeremiah,
Method New (M:N) contains a new calendar that we built specifically for the platform. We are currently working on building and releasing the necessary features required to make M:N the primary Method platform for our users. As such, we will not be releasing an updated calendar for Method Classic (M:C).
If you are interested in ...
Hi Matt,
Can you describe the properties of your transaction app ribbon item? I’m trying to replicate this on my test account, but it would appear the connection would need to be made between Transaction.Entity and Entity.FullName, but Entity.FullName is not available to select. If I make the connection using Transaction.Entity and ...
I heard you are coming out with a new calendar. When is this being released?
Sorry, I wanted to clarify that my experience with you has been very good and more than helpful, What I meant in my previous post in regard to speaking with a supervisor is as far as how much work it has been to facilitate the movement of our activities. I didn't want you to think that I am anything less than grateful for all of your help! ...
Thanks Audisho,
If the OnChange event works when the value is updated from elsewhere, then I don't see a need for the OnClick event.
Hello Beta Crew,
We're happy to announce that our Beta period is over and we've moved into Soft Launch! Woo hoo!
Thank you to all of you that have provided feedback and asked questions.
If you need support for the new version of Method (what you've been using during the Beta), please post your feedback and questions here. You can ...