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  • Re: Orphaned contact

    Hi Mahlon, I did some testing and am able to replicate this behaviour. It appears that the lead (entity) record may be getting marked for deletion instead of simply being deleted as it should. A link to the lead still exists via the Entity_RecordID field even though the lead can no longer be located in the Entity table. I have created a ticket ...
    Posted to Method General Q & A (Forum) by Method_Audisho on 06-02-2015
  • Re: Saving an activity from a sent email

    Hi rpoirier, Does the email that you are sending to match the email that is on file for the contact in Method? If not, this is likely the cause of your issue, as the gadget will automatically search for the contact in Method via the email address. If you have the correct email associated with the contact in Method and this is still occurring, ...
    Posted to Method General Q & A (Forum) by Method_Audisho on 06-02-2015
  • Re: Radio Button Actions

    Hi Matt, I did some testing and am able to replicate both of these issues. I have created a ticket for our development team to investigate the OnChange event breaking when the value is updated via another action. I&rsquo;ll keep you posted on any updates I receive via this thread. As for the OnClick not working, can you provide me with a ...
    Posted to Method General Q & A (Forum) by Method_Audisho on 06-02-2015
  • Re: Moving activities from old to new method account

    Thank you Audisho,! I am still getting the error that it exceeds 8000 charatcters when I try and import but when I check the recurrent activity box I am able to get it to populate so that is fine. The next issue is that I cannot get the activities to add the contact and company information. When I click on the ... next to contact in an activity ...
  • Re: Corrupted User

    Audisho, Hello. Inder solved our issue. It had to with user being able to see empty records and missing assignments. I appreciate help received from you and Inder. Thanks,
    Posted to Method Beta General Q & A (Forum) by Marco on 06-02-2015
  • Re: Moving activities from old to new method account

    Hi scottaskinosie, I was able to import this field without error. I tested blanking out this field for the series record and the only noticeable change was that when I selected the series, the Recurring checkbox was not checked by default. Checking the box resulted in the recurring info populating as expected. If you want to shoot me an email ...
  • Re: Creating New Activity Causes Email Template to be Mailed

    Hello, I rebuilt the template and deleted the original. That seemed to do the trick. There was clearly some type of link&nbsp; associated with it, but not sure where or why. Seems to be working correctly now. Thanks.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by pdx971 on 06-02-2015
  • Re: Creating New Activity Causes Email Template to be Mailed

    Hi Chris, Here are a couple of things you can try: 1) Navigate to Customize &gt; Tables / Fields, locate the Activity table and select Edit Table&hellip; Verify that the Automatic Reminders data looks correct. 2) If you don&rsquo;t use this template on the backend of any of your screens, make a copy and delete the original. Maybe you re-used an ...
  • Re: Signing in with Firefox logs me of of Chrome

    When we went to single sign-on, one of Cloud Consultancy&#39;s primary concerns where that we have multiple people working in our firm for multiple clients. We were told that best practice was to use a common email address for everyone to work in the clients accounts.&nbsp;&nbsp;So getting logged out becuause someone else logged into&nbsp;another ...
    Posted to Method Beta General Q & A (Forum) by v.cameron on 06-02-2015
  • Re: Creating New Activity Causes Email Template to be Mailed

    Hi Audisho, This error happens using either the custom of the stock New Activity screen. It also happens regardless of the &quot;Send an Email&quot; checkbox state. Template name is &quot;Order - Draft Documents&quot; Subject is &quot;Please Review and Approve Your _______ Draft Documents&quot; I would rather not include the body. I ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by pdx971 on 06-02-2015
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