Seems like a dumb question, but i can't figure it out. I just created a new field with drop downs, and put it on my screen, but now i realize i want to change the name of the field (as it appears on the screen too) Can i do that or do i have to delete it and recreate with correct name?
I don't think the files are corrupt. I make fresh versions and new documents every week. They launch fine on their own.
I changed the name of one file from AD-AB to ADAB and it launched fine.
I have a customer app and I just created a transaction app. If i try to setup an app ribbon linking the transaction app to the customer app I get an error when trying to view a customer record. The only thing i can see that is different about the transaction table and the other apps I have successfully linked to the customer app is that the ...
Hi Mike,
I can’t replicate this behaviour. I am able to both generate a print preview for templates that contain a “-“ in their name and open a document that has a “-“ in the name from my documents list. Can you provide me with a complete list of steps for replicating this issue? It is possible that these files are ...
Erol's video indicates that you can go to the sent emails inside Gmail and save the activity to the person you sent it to. The video indicates that the google gadget defaults to the contact you sent it to. This is not my experience I have to search for the person I sent it to then save the activity. Am I doing somehting ...
I noticed that 2 PDF files I have in the Documents section of our universe do not launch b(blank screen) because their names have a minus sign "-" in them. Is this a known issue? Any other characters not allowed? Did something change? Becuase I don't remember this being an issue a couple of months ago.
thank you audisho,
I should mention that when I imported the data it did not pass validation with the data that was in the recurrenceinto field so I cleared it. I will try and recapitulate that and send you the error it gave me. I believe it said something to the effect that there was a line that wasn't valid.
The following updates are now live for users of Method:Classic.
Fix - CreditMemoLine RecordID's changing on sync (Ticket AS-729)
Fix - Method custom field data on CreditMemoLine cleared on sync (Ticket AS-774)
Fix - VendorCreditLineItem custom data fields cleared on sync (Ticket AS-660)
Fix - Removing all line items from a ...
Hi scottaskinosie,
Export your activity table and locate a series record. Scroll to the RecurrenceInfo field and let me know if this series record contains any data in this field.
Now that Intuit has released the Echecks API for QB Online - what are Method's plans to integrate add this as a Pyament Gateway option.? Currently there isn't a good ACH option for payments process in an Method account.