Hi Kelly,
I copied my report over to your account and it generates correctly.
I’ve since removed the report and screen from your account, as I can’t provide you with customization work free of charge (this would need to go through our professional services team).
It’s worth noting that a preview was not generated inside of ...
To be clear, when using the export API through the CRM control panel, it is exported as 2015-Jan-01 HH:MM:SS. Only thing that would be nice to see is if we could change it to something more along the lines of 2015-01-01 HH:MM:SS.
Thanks, Audisho. Will await your reply.
Hi FW,
At this time, I’m not quite sure why we use the date / time format that we do, but I’ll ask around and post back once I have an answer for you.
I understand your concern that the current format isn’t “friendly” for use with other software and cannot be easily converted in Excel. I went ahead and created a ...
Audisho, I just built the report from scratch and still see the same problem. Can you build it from sctrach in my account and see if it works? I feel like it is an issue with the high volumne of invoices (since the test you did had only ~6 invoices per month)
When exporting data, any column that is of type DATE exports like so... Jan-01-2015. Every time we need to parse through the data to convert to proper DATETIME or TIMESTAMP format to do anything useful with it. Can you either offer a toggle-switch that allows for properly-formatted date/time fields or simply switch to a more usable format ...
Thanks for removing the account Audisho. I misread your previous post about emailingi the info.
I'll take a look into the issue again and see what the problem is.
Hi Marco,
I suppose that this is theoretically possible however, I have never run into this situation. You can try following the steps listed in Solution No. 429 of our Help Center for regenerating the Users table to see if this helps.
My thought is that there is another issue here that you are not considering. If regenerating the table does not ...
Hi Kelly,
Please refrain from posting any account specific information directly on our forums. This includes account names, usernames, screen names, etc. The forums are a publicly available area and making this information publicly available is a security concern. Our support team lists our email addresses in our signatures (see below), so ...
Hi Wayne,
Adding the ability to include attachments in emails sent from Method requires customization. I wrote a post for adding this functionality to the list builder screen yesterday. You can take a look at it here. This can be easily adapted for use with the activity screen. Feel free to reach out to one of our partners or your account manager ...