Hi Jason,
Thanks for clarifying. I am in fact able to replicate this behaviour. I spoke with a member of our professional services team and he mentioned that he has run into this before. This is not the intended functionality, but since the actions are still called in the same order and this doesn’t break your action set or cause any ...
What are the chances that a user can get corrupt, not being able to access totally or partially to screens and fields he or she has access to?
Hi Audisho - See Info
Company Account: [redacted]
Report name: [redacted]
Screen: Customize > Home Dashboard V2. The report is located at the bottom, under header, '12 Month Rolling Sales'. Note, I have filters set up, however, I am not using them right now, so the report is unfiltered (as this will be easier to ...
Following up on conversations with leads or customers we want to send and attachment with the email we can generate within the Activities screen but can't locate an attach file button or option. For instance, I just spoke with a customer who requested an updated price list but since I couldn't find an attach file button within Method I ...
There are no errors caused by this, as an order sequence of 1, 2, 3, 10 will still function properly in the order necessary (like 1, 2, 3, 4). It still seems to persist in an incognito/private browsing window and on other browsers. After save/close/publish, the order still remains with the number skip. Functionality-wise, there isnt any ...
Hi Jason,
I tested this myself, but I’m unable to replicate this behaviour. When I copy an action set to the OnScreenLoad & OnClosePopup events, the order number is set correctly for each event individually. I suggest you try the following:
1) Clear your browser’s cookies and cached files
2) Use an incognito or private browsing ...
In "Advanced Screen Properties", "Step 2: Actions", copying an existing action will put the incorrect numbering in the "Order Column".
For example, in the event OnScreenLoad let's say there are 26 actions, and in the event OnClosePopUp there are 10 actions. When you copy an ...
Hi Mahlon,
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I can confirm this is an issue and have created a ticket for our development team to investigate. I’ll post back once this is resolved.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hi Mahlon,
An HTML line break tag is written “<br>”. In XHTML it’s written “<br />”. I believe the first should work fine, but if not try the second. If neither works, post back and let me know so that I can investigate further.
I hope this helps.