Hi Jonathan,
I’m not sure how you were able to link the ReceivePayment.TxnDate field to the Invoice table, but this relationship doesn’t really make sense. The relationship between invoices and receive payment applied lines is one to many, so there’s no way to specify which of these lines the value in the invoice table would be ...
After testing it out further, the error only occurs when i add € to the EstimateLine.calcAmount column. I have also tried EstimateLine.Amount in this area too. I went into the script for estimateline.calctotalamount and clicked the default script button and it seems to work now. Not sure what I did, but I am no longer getting the ...
Hey, to answer your questions: I am customizing the stock estimate report, and I am not running any scripts that I know of. The data I am applying this to is the estimateline.rate, estimateline.amount, and estimateline.totalamount. I know it has to do with this because when I change it back from €0.00 to $0.00 it ...
Hi Conner,
I’ve tested this myself and it works fine for me. Allow me to ask a few questions for clarification.
Are you customizing a stock report or building your own from scratch?
Are you running any custom scripts on the report?
What data type is the field you are trying to apply this to?
I’m unable to ...
We are experiencing interimmittent service disruptions. We're on it, and will get back shortly with an update. Thanks for your patience.
Hi Method,
I would like to create an opportunity screen that automatically choose the customer name same as active customer screen. The New Opportunity button is located at ViewCustomer screen. I'm having difficulties in creating the logic to make the NewOpportunity screen automatically load the same customer name. Do you have ideas how to ...
Hi Audisho,
I'm building a screen which consist of grid. So what I did is just displaying the table. Please see the screenshot below,
So this is the table that I would like to achieve. Whenever the paid is Yes there should be payment made, input from QB desktop. But right now the payment date is not showing the data.
Below is the ...
Hello. When my customer's try to register to use the customer portal, they receive the following message: "Your email address was located, however it was located multiple times. You may want to try the 'Contact Us' option and explain that you have multiple accounts setup based on your email address."
In Quickbooks, ...
When I change it and then click preview I am getting the error "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name:Index." After clicking ok on that I get the error "The following error occured when the script in procedure xrItemPrice.OnBeforePrint:Conversion from string ...
Hi Mahlon,
We published an update to the activities app yesterday that corrected this issue. The conditional statement now checks the FollowUpActivityStatus field, as it should, instead of the label.
I hope this helps.