How do I get to that screen? I'm a newbie
Hi Audisho,
I'll try the Build Selection list.
I understand that it will be very difficult to migrate from actual Method to New Method. We've done a lot of customization. Please give me an idea about this.
Hi Marco,
Dropdowns are sorted alphanumerically and unfortunately, you cannot specify otherwise. We understand that this is not ideal and the ability to sort dropdowns has been included in Method New and will be available when we launch.
How are you building the filter? Have you tried using the Build selection list option? I believe this option ...
Hi Marco,
I recently wrote a post on how you can handle currency symbols when dealing with multi-currency. I’ll quote my answer below, as I believe this applies to what you are attempting. If you have any follow up questions, feel free to post back.
[quote user="Method_Audisho"]
Within Method, the currency symbol is hardcoded in ...
Hi ayoung,
If this is a custom screen, I suggest you take a look at the actions on the save button of the stock screen that are used to populate the updated values. Here they are.
If you’re having this issue on the stock invoice screen, please give our support number a call at 1.888.925.6238 x2 and we’ll be happy to investigate ...
Is there a way to sort dropdown lists? I have a Accounts dropdown and I need to sort it by Account Number. If dropdowns could be seen in hierarchical view as well as flat view it would be great.
I also need to filter this Accounts dropdown and only include some accounts. It wouild include some asset accounts and some expense accounts. I ...
One of my issues is related with the currency field in Estimates, Work Orders, Sales Orders and Invoices. It is not actually working. I mean if I choose a Customer and I include the currency code field to show in the form only home currency will show, and if a Customer has another currency code it won't show. We need users ...
Hi Jason,
I’m glad to hear you were able to resolve this. I do have a question though. Were you able to rebuild the button or do you receive the same error when you try to add it back?
Hi Wayne,
You can import activities into Method using the Import / Export tool. I suggest you head over to Customize > Tables / Fields, take note of the required fields and export your Activity table to study the field formats first. Then, when you’re ready, use your customer list to fill out the contact for your activities (keep in ...
It's been a busy couple hours for us fighting this one.
We have a temporary fix in place, and have directed all report generation to a different server group. So, reports will generate again. I expect it will be a bit slower to generate reports while this temporary fix is in place, but they will work. My expectation is also that ...