Hi Brian,
The only way to verify that a line is paid it by verifying that the invoice has been paid. You can do this by creating a linked field on your InvoiceLine table that links to the BalanceRemaining field on the Invoice table.
You’ll need to create a button on one of your screens with the Generate Report action for generating your ...
I tracked this to a character join within the conditional statement. I got it fixed.
Hi melpied,
I’m not sure about your custom route list, but the stock one includes the date that the work order is scheduled for each work order on the list. The current date isn’t included anywhere on this.
Perhaps you could post a screen shot of your route list so I have a better idea of the layout. I may be able to give you some ...
Hi Mahlon,
I’ve located an error email with this reference, but it doesn’t provide me with enough detail to know what the problem is. I’m going to need to perform some additional testing and may end up having to create a ticket. You have a few options here with how to proceed.
1) Post back with the name of the screen and make ...
Error Reference 6780-0856-0125
This seems to be happening when I add a condiional statement to check whether Job of Customer is a Lead. Then all the actions of the screen corrupt.
I have another question about report designer. I would like to create a report to print certain paid invoice lines and group by customer. I can get to the invoice lines but I don't know how to filter just the invoice paid items with a certain word in the item name. Then, I can't see how to call up that report in ...
I have a custom route list and when i print it, it has the current date on it. I need to change this to a future date. I print the work orders out the day before we use them. So it is getting confusing since it prints the wrong date that the work needs to be done. Ant help would be apperciated!
Hi Mahlon,
Your attached screen shot is broken. Can you fix it and post back or reply back with the full error message?
I have a situation where I am using jobs in QB. I copied the new contact screen and called it New Job.
I made some modifications to accommodate the workflow for adding a new job. While adding some actions to the Job of Customer drop down window I got this error message.
I am under some time constraints. Can you please let me know ...
Hi scottaskinosie,
You can use a simple Delete Record From Table action to remove all activities.
I hope this helps.