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  • Re: Contact Name Dropdown

    Hi Conner, You&rsquo;re almost there, but you need to change a couple of things. First, you need to link the Name field instead. The FullName field contains the customer&rsquo;s full name, not the contact&rsquo;s name. Once you have done this, you will be able to format your ContactRecordID dropdown to display the name of the contact. Next, you ...
  • Re: Inactive Items

    Hi Don, I didn&rsquo;t take into consideration that this filter may differ on a Method for QBO account. As you can see, there is an additional filter, but the idea is the same. You just need to have a look at the stock screens and copy the filters settings&nbsp;on to your custom screens. Alternatively, you could make a copy of the stock screen ...
  • Contact Name Dropdown

    I am trying to add a dropdown when building sales order so that the sales reps can&nbsp;choose from a list of Contacts from the company.&nbsp;I have looked around at the forums and thought I knew how to properly do this but it is not working out as planned.&nbsp;I went to the SalesOrder table and added a dropdown field called ContactRecordID and ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by cdrryan on 05-19-2015
  • Re: Inactive Items

    I&#39;m trying to keep these items from popping up when generating new quote/workorder/invoice. &nbsp;Please advise.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by InstaDRY on 05-19-2015
  • Re: Inactive Items

    I just tried that, but it still shows the deleted items/inactive items.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by InstaDRY on 05-19-2015
  • Re: Inactive Items

    Hi Don, The corresponding stock screens already contain filters for this. They are located under the Advanced Properties of the Item field on the grid. Here is the advanced properties for the Item field on the EstimateLine grid on the Estimates screen. I hope this helps. -Audisho
  • Inactive Items

    When creating quotes/workorders/invoices, how can we prevent inactive items from popping up in the item list? &nbsp;This has been an issue. &nbsp;Thank you.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by InstaDRY on 05-19-2015
  • Re: Importing pages to new account

    Here is a list of the pages on my account I want&nbsp;to transfer. These are the names they are called in my account (thesolarguys). Thanks FieldService_AddEditWorkOrder(BETA2) FieldService_AddEditWorkOrder(HuperBETA3) FieldService_Appointments FieldService_Calendar(BETA) FieldService_Calendar(Huper ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by thesolarguys on 05-19-2015
  • Re: Importing pages to new account

    Hi thesolarguys, Can you provide me with a full list of the screens that throw this error when copying? I&rsquo;ll have to investigate if it is possible for us to &ldquo;detach&rdquo; the screen from the app, allowing you to copy it to Method. -Audisho
  • Re: Add New Entity Type

    Hi Jonathan, Actually, EntityType has the following values: Customer, Customer Lead, Vendor, Employee &amp; Other Name. With the exception of Customer Lead, this field is used by both QuickBooks and Method to distinguish between entity types, Customer Lead being Method only. It is used to organize and control what is available to each. I ...
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