OWhat kay, I think I get it.
One problem, not all of my series have that series row. This example is a series that I just checked to make sure that it does in fact exist as a series in our CRM.
This one, which also exists as a series in our CRM does have a row that says series.
What do I do about the ones without the series row?
Hi scottaskinosie,
You’re looking for the value in the RecurrenceType field. This will either be OneTime, Occurrence or Series. If it’s an Occurrence the RecordID in the RecurrenceRecordID field will point back to a record that has a value of Series. You need to import this record as well, as this is the record which the occurrences ...
Maybe I am misunderstanding, I do not see Series record as an option of something that I can export from my old CRM. Where is Series record?
Thanks again for all of your help man, sorry if I am misunderstanding and it is something super simple.
Hi scottaskinosie,
Looks like you’re missing the Series record. You need to import this record, as this is the record which all the occurrences link to. For this particular series, the old RecordID of this record appears to be 72846.
Alright, I had a look at the data and the RecurrenceRecordID field is blank after running the new button.
I only migrated one series over, it consisted of about 22 activities.
The proces only took a few seconds to run.
When I imported the activities I did include the Recurrence Type field, the Recurrence Type that exported from my old account ...
Hi Innovative,
Switching from QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online requires that you create a new Method account, as your desktop account is not compatible. Depending on what you need migrated, this could require a significant amount of work. I see that your account is partner managed. I strongly recommend that you reach out to your Method ...
we are forced to downgrade to qb online from enterprise plus will make life a lot easier what will we need to do for method?
Hi Alex,
Thank you. I have also confirmed that the RecordID of the line is changed after the initial sync and have added this information to the ticket.
As I have mentioned several times previously, I will post back here as soon as I receive an update. As of right now, I have nothing new to report.
Hi scottaskinosie,
Yes, exporting the table and checking the data would be my first recommendation.
Allow me to ask a few questions to see if I can determine why this does not appear to have worked.
How many activities did you migrate from your old account?
How long did the process take after you selected the button with the action set?
When ...
thank you again Audisho!
I did as you said and when I clicked the new button it did not give me the error.
However, nothing has changed and my occurrences are still not in series:(
What should I do now?
Maybe export them and see if the recurrenceID had changed?