Any update?
We also found that RecordID of CreditMemo/VendorCredit/CreditMemoLine/VendorCreditLine will be modified after synchrinzing with QBs. Seems like you delete record in Method again and insert a new one?
Hi scottaskinosie,
My apologies, I don’t have the test data to actually run this on my account. I believe I may have been mistaken when including ‘’ in the Start Loop Through Table action. Try leaving this field blank instead so your “AND Where” looks like:
Not equal To
Type In
Give this a shot ...
hank you again Audisho, that is what I thought but wanted to check with you to be sure.
I have another problem, I imported evrything for mytest run and my fields all matched up and I have my oldrecordID and oldrecurrencerecordID getting where they need to go in my new activity table but when I run the button I am getting an error in ...
Hi Mahlon,
Thanks for pointing this out. I’ve created a ticket for our development team to correct this and will post back once this is resolved.
Hi asif,
You can certainly create a custom web form to allow data to be entered into custom tables. Just select the Create Custom Web Form radio box and follow the steps. Step 7 allows you to setup an email that is sent to you when the form is submitted. As for restricting access to the form, just put it somewhere on your website that is only ...
Hi scottaskinosie,
Yes, you always want to make sure that your are terminating your loop correctly. In this case, the End Loop Through Table action will be inserted directly after your Update Field In Table action. I hope this helps.
Thank you Audisho!
This is very helpful and I really appreciate your screenshots. I have a quick question. Do I need to end the loop at some point?
The same issue exists on the New Activity screen
The CConditional Statement on New Activity Save Button if verifiying the Followup Status Label instead of the field.
Hi HMoore,
Try playing around with your band and field sizes. If any of the data is close to the edge of the page or actually runs past the edge, this can cause a blank page to be generated.