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  • Re: Report Designer Page Break

    I did what you suggested, and now for each record&nbsp;I have the existing Estimate, then a &#39;blank&#39; page with only the header and footer. &nbsp;On the very last page after ALL of the records is one page with the paragraphs! Help would be appreciated.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by HMoore on 05-15-2015
  • custom qualification form after lead

    I have a webform on custom website which customer fills and it drops in the CRM as leads. Now, I want to create another custom form which will have few question regarding the qualification. I also want to enable this Qualification Form for certain customers after their initial evaluation. Once customer goes through intitial evaluation, I will send ...
    Posted to Method:Classic Web Forms (Forum) by asif on 05-15-2015
  • Re: Email Functionality in Activities

    Hi Mahlon, Just like anything else, I can&rsquo;t provide an ETA for when a new feature will be available. I don&rsquo;t see a feature request ticket for this yet so I&rsquo;ll put one in for you now. I hope this helps. -Audisho
    Posted to Method Beta General Q & A (Forum) by Method_Audisho on 05-15-2015
  • Re: Migrating to new account

    [quote user=&quot;thesolarguys&quot;] Since I am not really changing anything&nbsp;same QB database and same Method Tables/Data. I could not export all of the Method data into a new account and start the&nbsp;QB sync&nbsp;on the new account? Would the sync engine know a difference? [/quote] Hi thesolarguys, Method uses the ListID / TxnID / ...
  • Re: Migrating to new account

    Hi thesolarguys, I wrote a program to automate the process of moving data from one Method account to another. It maintains the links betwween customers, activities, activity job items etc. Fell free to give me a call or send me an email if you are interested.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Matt on 05-15-2015
  • Re: Migrating to new account

    Since I am not really changing anything&nbsp;same QB database and same Method Tables/Data. I could not export all of the Method data into a new account and start the&nbsp;QB sync&nbsp;on the new account? Would the sync engine know a difference?
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by thesolarguys on 05-15-2015
  • Email Functionality in Activities

    When will activities have email functionality&nbsp;built in?
    Posted to Method Beta General Q & A (Forum) by mahlonf on 05-15-2015
  • Re: Report Designer Page Break

    Hi HMoore, You can set a page break before or after any of your bands. Just select the band and locate the Page Break option under Behaviour in the Properties Grid in the lower right hand side. Based on the page setup you mentioned, I believe your best option would be to insert another group footer directly above your page footer and include the ...
  • Report Designer Page Break

    I am a fairly new user to Method and have an Estimate built on Report Designer that is almost perfect. &nbsp;But now I am tasked with creating a second page with about three paragraphs of contract information. My problem is that I don&#39;t know where to put the page break! &nbsp;I am not too familiar with the bands, but my Estimate includes the ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by HMoore on 05-15-2015
  • Re: Strange behavior with Insert Activity action

    Hi Mahlon, I had a look at this and I believe there may be an issue with the schedule follow up insert record action on the stock screen. The activity type and assigned to fields are blank in the action and even if I correct this, the screen designer tells me that the action is incomplete. This is affecting my ability to test this, as I ...
    Posted to Known issues (Forum) by Method_Audisho on 05-15-2015
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