I am trying to move my activities from our old account connected to QB desktp to our new account connected to QB online and keep them in series and not movin over as individual occurences.
I have created new columns in my new method account in activities called OldRecordID and OldRecurrenceRecordID and now need to import the data into a screen I ...
Hi Mahlon,
I’m able to replicate this error on my end inside of your account as well. I created a copy of the screen to see if that would give you a work around, but the copy produced the same error. I’m going to have to create a ticket and have the development team investigate this further. I’ll keep you posted with any updates ...
Hi Mahlon,
Have you performed all the usual troubleshooting steps?
- Sign out and back in
- Clear cookies and cached files
- Try in a private browsing window / incognito mode
- Try a different browser
If you activate the MethodSupport user and email me the company account name, I can try replicating the error on my end and investigating ...
Hi Mahlon,
Thanks for clarifying. It looks like the TagList field is missing from the Update Field In Table and Insert Record Into Table actions for all tables. I’ll create a ticket for the development team to investigate and keep you posted via this forum thread. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hi Mahlon,
Did you remember to add the TagList field to your selected fields on Step 3?
This is a Method NEW Public Page. Trying to update Tag fields from Method New Actions
I was working on a custom screen and had just added a new control. Got a message something about a duplicate control being added to the screen. Then this message popped up.
I am unable to open the screen to edit. What is the next step?
Hi James,
In more recent versions of QuickBooks, intuit added a notes table allowing users to create multiple notes for an entity. Unfortunately, they have not yet included this table in the QBSDK and as such, we are unable to sync with these additional notes.
The first note for each entity can still be seen in the Note field on the Entity ...