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  • Re: Additional Notes from QBE 2015

    Hi James, In more recent versions of QuickBooks, intuit added a notes table allowing users to create multiple notes for an entity. Unfortunately, they have not yet included this table in the QBSDK and as such, we are unable to sync with these additional notes. The first note for each entity can still be seen in the Note field on the Entity ...
  • Cannot update Tag List from action

    I wanted to update the Tag List on an opportunity from a Web To Lead form, but the field is not available.
    Posted to Known issues (Forum) by mahlonf on 05-13-2015
  • Additional Notes from QBE 2015

    Hi all, Our QuickBooks&nbsp;users are making use of the new multiple notes and pinned notes features of Quickbooks Enterprise 2015. &nbsp;Currently, new&nbsp;notes added via QuickBooks are not seen&nbsp;by our Method users, causing much confusion.&nbsp;As&nbsp;best I can tell from the Entity table&#39;s field list, these notes would be ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by jsenick on 05-13-2015
  • Re: Signing in with Firefox logs me of of Chrome

    Hi Matt, Correct me if I&rsquo;m wrong, but #1 only really applies to M:C and this limitations does not exist in M:C. While your Method ID session will expire, your M:C session / session ID does not. Regardless, Mahlon you make a good point that our users may use different browsers for using vs. customizing Method and Matt you also make a good ...
    Posted to Method Beta General Q & A (Forum) by Method_Audisho on 05-13-2015
  • Re: Signing in with Firefox logs me of of Chrome

    Audisho, There are a couple of reason you might want to develop in a different browser or computer: 1. If you are publishing a screen update or running a process that takes a while, then Method is pretty much unresponsive in other tabs of the same browser until the publishing or long process finishes. 2. If there are multiple people at a ...
    Posted to Method Beta General Q & A (Forum) by Matt on 05-13-2015
  • Re: Signing in with Firefox logs me of of Chrome

    Someone from Method told me there are less issues when you develop in Fire fox. I haven&#39;t been able to tell a difference
    Posted to Method Beta General Q & A (Forum) by mahlonf on 05-13-2015
  • Re: Signing in with Firefox logs me of of Chrome

    Hi Mahlon, When you sign in to Method from a new &ldquo;location&rdquo;, this causes any current logged in sessions to expire, as you can only have 1 active session at a time. M:N is directly linked to these sessions however, M:C is not. At this point, you should be able to sign in to multiple accounts using the same Method ID in the same ...
    Posted to Method Beta General Q & A (Forum) by Method_Audisho on 05-13-2015
  • Re: Push to Desktop Action

    Hi Alex, When you use a Send To Desktop action on a transaction, the line items are sent with the transaction automatically. You do not need to add additional Send To Desktop actions for each line item. Keep in mind that if you attempt to send a transaction to QB that does not have any line items, the transaction will not be posted and I believe ...
  • Re: Admin on a site

    Hi dorothyp, There can only be 1 master admin user, but you can certainly assign other users the same permissions as your master admin. The only difference is that the master admin cannot be deleted or made inactive. You can find further details on the master admin user in solution No. 274 of our Help Center. I hope this helps. -Audisho
  • Re: What does this message mean?

    Hi Mahlon, I&rsquo;ve created a case and someone from our support team will reach out as soon as they are available so that you can demonstrate this over a screen share. I hope this helps. -Audisho
    Posted to Method Beta General Q & A (Forum) by Method_Audisho on 05-13-2015
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