Hi industrialrobotix,
I can’t seem to replicate this on my end. I suggest that you try removing the image from the print template. Then re-add it by dragging a new picture box object onto the template, select the image to be used in the picture box and save the template.
If this doesn’t work, you might try clearing your cookies ...
Do I need to copy the screen to another name and then edit it? When I did the right click on the screen, it said the screen name was "CRM_EDITCUSTOMER".
If I copy it, how do I get the system to access that screen once I make the change?
I added an image to the standard estimate screen.... Yes when I select Print Preview it does this.
Hi industrialrobotix,
I have a few questions.
1) Are you referring to the estimates screen in Method or the print template that is displayed when you select Print Preview?
2) Is this a custom screen or template?
3) Are you able to provide me with a screenshot?
Some days it works, and my images show up, some days I get a red X. This has been happening for some time now. It does it both in classic and new.
Is it an issue w/ Chrome?
Hi Steve,
This would be the Browser Window Size session variable, but yes, I believe you should be able to use this variable in place of the Browser - Version session variable with increased control.
I hope this helps.
I 'guess' my original thinking was to be able to determine what type of device / screen (i.e. tablet - landscape or portrait - , phone - landscape or portrait - , etc.). Based on your prior answer that the 'mobile user' variable gives that information, I guess maybe the 'browser' variable ...
Hi dorothyp,
What is the full name of the screen that you copied for customizing? You should be able to locate this either under Customize > Screens or if you right clicked the screen and selected Customize, the full name will be displayed in the popup.
Hi Steve,
I don’t know why it was excluded or if there is any plan to include it in the future. Is there a reason that you would need it included in M:N?