Hi Jonathan,
This isn’t going to work with the thousand separator. You are casting the value as a varchar and the subtotal function only works on a numerical field. Unfortunately, I am unaware of any workaround that you can use for this. If you need the subtotal field, you will need to remove the SQL override for the thousand separator. ...
Hi Alex,
Thank you for informing me of this. I have added to the ticket that this issue also exists for the CreditMemoLine table. I expect that this will be addressed at the same time. As always, I’ll keep you posted on any updates that I receive.
Hi Method,
Does anyone experienced in SQL? I'm looking for a function to subtotal the row post it on the bottom row. Just like to Subtotal Function in Method. But because I use SQL override, the Subtotal Function is not working. Does anyone know the SQL? Below are the screenshot,
SQL Used
CONVERT(varchar, CAST([Amount] AS ...
Just found that not only VendorCreditLineItem has this issue, but also CreditMemoLine has same issue.
It has become a blocking bug to whole system, please come out a solution soon, or we can not turn on synchronization engine and that impact project schedule a lot.
It seems like the RecordID of my CreditMemoLine records is changing after sync to Quickbooks. Here's a dump of one record before sync:
And here's the same record after sync:
Is this expected behavior? It doesn't seem to be happening with InvoiceLine records, just CreditMemoLine records.
The issue here is that the API does not support Cross Tenancy in the case where the same drop down value exists in multiple tenants.
When you are inserting into Tenant A, the API will utilize the drop down value from Tenant A.
I will create a feature request for an update to this logic - but I do not expect to see ...
Cross tenant.
This service is intended to be used by all tenants therefore the credentials(user) has access to all tenants. It maybe important to note that the purpose is to remove a long running process from method to a separate server running on a background thread. This way the user isn't blocked and watching the spinning ...
Hi Jim,
There’s actually an even easier way to make a page public. Just navigate to it in Method, select the gear in the top right and select . You will be guided through making the page public and a URL will be generated for you. Much simpler than the method above!
I hope this helps.
Mark -
Is the insert into the Invoice Line table cross tenancy ... Meaning, are you logging into the API using Tenant A, but inserting the record into Tenant B?
Or is it the case where you are logging into the API using Tenant A, inserting the record into Tenant A, but the record is being assigned a dropdown value that exists from ...