My clients are using QuickBooks 2013 Desktop Retail and Wholesales version, and work with Method now. They are thinking to upgrade to 2015 Premier or Enterprise. Just wondering if this will cause any issue while working with Method? It seems that 2015 will convert 2013 company file to new format, does it matter?
And, while upgrading, they ...
This feature is not working in the Method:New beta version. Numbers look terrible.
Hi LaCrews,
Your assumption is correct. We have experienced this when using the Insert Record Into Table action on the front end. To overcome this on the front end, you can insert a RecordID into the field name of a drop down as long as the value is stored within an Action Result.
As Mentioned in the previous post I just ...
Hi LaCrews,
Ok - Are you successful if you insert into the Field name directly? I'll have to followup on further on my end to verify this feature.
Can you describe how to specify a dropdown's recordid instead of the value when inserting a new record through API. I've tried to set the value of the field ###_RecordID but get a reponse that this field doesn't support "edit". What should we use as the field name to set the recordid?
This is multi-tenant.
I'm inserting invoices through API. API Insert Invoice and insert InvoiceLine(s) works fine. Everything appears to be correct when viewed on method screen.
When QuickBooks trys to sync it returns a conflict. Something to the effect that the SalesTaxCode LiistID doen't exist. My ...
Hi Mike,
I believe your accountant would create an accountant’s copy for this purpose. This will lock all transactions prior to the closing date set when the accountant’s copy is created. You can continue to use both Method and QuickBooks (QB) during this time, but if you attempt to modify any of these transactions in Method, a ...
Currently we have Method integrated with a single user version of Quickbooks Premiere. Our accountant needs to enter previous year's data - she would like to back up the company on the machine that is integrated with Method, load that company on her machine, update the data, then restore it to the Method integrated machine. Does ...
Hi Mahlon,
I’ll leave that decision up to our development team. They’ll have to determine the ways in which this can be accomplished and weigh the pros and cons of each.
I could see reasonable arguments for both approaches. Is there a way this could be made optional in setup?