I did a quick test to use RecordID to insert dropdown-type field. In WebAPI or Method-Action, seems no big difference.
Still, my question is:
Is it true that WebAPI is slower than Method-Action regarding "Insert record to table"? I need to know this so I don't do database operations in my PHP.
Wow Justin, fixing the previous issue was quick. Thought I'd try this too!
Closed Opportunities do not display on View Contact
Hi Mahlon,
We just did a deployment that addressed this issue. Your account must not have received the updated app yet. Try signing out and back in and you should receive a notification that the opportunities app has been updated. If this doesn’t resolve the issue, post back here and let me know. I hope this helps.
Hi Method,
Now it is urgent to my client. Without this issue fixed, we can not turn on synchronization engine to test becuase all Method custom fields are erased.
Can you give some update about this case?
Please help.
It works today.
Hi Mahlon,
This should now be resolved. Post back here if there's any issues with it.
- Justin
Clicking the opportunity from View Contact screen opens the Opportunity List not the Edit Opportunity screen. Activities does not do this.
Is this by design?
May 6th, 2015
Activities App
*New* Added ‘Assigned To’ field to the advanced grid search (Ticket PL-580)
Addressed messaging when deleting an Activity Type currently in use (Ticket AS-142)
Addressed naming of Activity Category column in Activity Type List screen (Ticket AS-470)
Edit Activity screen now saves changes prior to ...
I am not able to see generated customer information under sales center -> lead tab in method CRM but able to insert customer data into customer table and getting response "success" with lead no and name. But the same code which we are using for another site able to see generated customer information under sales center -> ...
Hi sincitygetaways,
We received your voicemail and have created a case for you. Unfortunately, we were unable to reach out to you yesterday evening during our hours of operation. We did however, regenerate the screens on your account in an attempt to resolve this issue.
Please post back and let me know if this is still an issue. If it is, I will ...