I once had this kind of error for couples of times, and Method told me that could be corrupted data happened in that screen, but actually, just like you, all screen are not modified at all but it just can not generate grid suddenly.
My solutions are kind of trial and error but it did the trick:
1. wait for couple of hours: it happened once ...
All 3 of our users are having the same error. I called customer support and left several voicemails. We are dead in the water as far as helping our customers! Here is the actual error message below.
Error Generating Grid. The Grid was unable to build one or more filters, please edit the screen and verify each grid filter. If ...
Hi Steve,
The Outlook plugin is not dependant on your email provider or email server. Using Office 365 should not cause any issues with the plugin. I hope this helps.
Hi all,
I have new client that is running Outlook 2013 on her desktop with an Outlook 365 back end (rather than Exchange). Will this cause any issues with the Outlook Plugin?
Hi Alex,
Please verify that your Account Name, User Name & Password are all correct. You can also try substituting your email address for your user name and vice versa. If this doesn’t work try resetting your password from the Method sign in page.
If you try the above and are still unable to sign in to the report designer, please give ...
Hey Everyone-
We have gone live with the release that we rolled back last week. Thanks for your patience.
Hi Method,
I can not use report designer, it works before. The error message is "Failed to open a list of reports from the server. Reason given was: FAIL"
Any idea?
Any update about this issue?
Thanks for reply.
For my case, to have one item line in a PO, I need to add two extra records to my own table in addition to one record in PurchaseOrderLine. (that is three table insertion.)
I actually did the test after you post the whole system is back to normal. I did a quick test just now, it is the same. I'll find some time today ...
Hi Jim,
1) Yes, public pages are available in M:N!
2) We are still working on our documentation for M:N and do not have anything for public pages yet.
3) Public pages are just app pages that you have made public. I’ll explain how to do this below.
4) But they are :)
To create a public page, simply create an app / page the same way you ...