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  • Re: Extremely slow today

    Hi thesolarguys &amp; Blake, We&rsquo;ve notified our development team about the performance issues so that they can investigate. I&rsquo;ll post back once I have an update. Sorry for the inconvenience. -Audisho
  • Re: Extremely slow today

    +1 Terribly slow today. Over the weekend was great which makes me think it&#39;s a scaling issue. Method&#39;s becoming very popular so no doubt the infrastructure and app scaling guys are busy keeping existing customers working effectively.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Blake C on 05-04-2015
  • Re: View only customization

    Hi Fran, Thanks for the response. I forgot about the save action on the Customer dropdown. Mike, That does pose a bit of a problem for the solution that I proposed. This can be resolved by simply disabling the customer dropdown for the read-only users using the Enable/Disable Field/Object action. They will still be able to see the customer, but ...
  • Extremely slow today

    We have noticed for the past several days but today especially&nbsp;the site is running slow. It is taking at&nbsp;least twice as long as the normal time to operate. Can you see anything wrong on your end?
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by thesolarguys on 05-04-2015
  • Re: View only customization

    HI Mike, If you just copy the screens, then you need to adjust in several places to turn off any &#39;saves&#39; or &#39;table updates&#39;. &nbsp;You want to allow the employee to select a SO/Invoice, but not make changes. There are several places on the screen where you need to &#39;turn off&#39; Saves or screen updates.&nbsp; One is the ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by fran on 05-04-2015
  • Re: View only customization

    Hi Mike, For the most part, removing the ability for a user to select the save buttons will essentially give them a read-only version of the screen. They will be able to make changes to data in the fields, but since they do not have access to the save buttons, these changes will never be saved. Additionally, on the transaction screens (sales ...
  • View only customization

    Hello, I am looking for direction in regards to creating view only&nbsp;screens for some of our employees. In particular I want to make the view only QB&#39;s Sales order and invoice screen. I have already created an employee only Tab group, so I would imagine the next step would be to make a copy of the screen and then create a conditional ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Mike.s on 05-04-2015
  • Re: Working with Estimates

    Hi industrialrobotix, I just want to let you know that I&rsquo;ve put in a feature request to add estimates to the app ribbon in the opportunities app. I can&rsquo;t provide an ETA for when this will be available, but I&rsquo;ll keep you posted on any updates that I receive via this forum thread. I hope this helps. -Audisho
    Posted to Method Beta General Q & A (Forum) by Method_Audisho on 05-04-2015
  • Re: Generate Report not showing all records

    Hi Matt, I tested this with the CRM_Activity report and I&rsquo;m seeing the same thing. It looks like the list is only including the first 10 items. If you select not in list you will probably notice that the 11th, 12th etc. items will be included anyway. I&rsquo;ll create a ticket for the development team to investigate. I&rsquo;ll keep you ...
    Posted to Fixed and resolved issues (Forum) by Method_Audisho on 05-01-2015
  • Re: Generate Report not showing all records

    Yes, I displayed the list on the screen and it has more than 9 record ids. I also tried different dates, the screen is a work order list screen.
    Posted to Fixed and resolved issues (Forum) by Matt on 05-01-2015
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