It doesn't seem like I can tab through a screen that has drop-down fields and type the values. It forces you to use the mouse to click and select, or search for the value.
Am I missing something?
Changing View on grid filter doesn't force hidden columns to display
We have a lot more options for filtering in Method new, but a common method I've used in classic is not working for me anymore.
For example I have two custom fields at the top of my solution grid called solution type and for specific client.
In method classic I could select a value from one field or both fields to locate a ...
Thanks Mike!!
We are taking youat your word!
Call another action set breaks link if you rename the object you are calling from
When working with a complex screen that has alot of sections, it is difficult to update the events on the section or objects within the section at the bottom of the screen.
Pretty much force as you to use the column on the right to edit.
Value from Session User - Name is getting the Full Name of the User, rather than the user name from Method Classic that is used in the Assigned To Fields.
I think this is probably related to the issue for selecting the calendar resource. See https://www.method.me/cs/forums/p/6449/24009.aspx#24009
Designer doesn't Save if you Edit a screen and the only Edit made is moving a section.
You need to make another change to a setting or text.
Thats the best way I've found so far
The HTML editor font size should be larger when editing a larger field such as a solution.
I've been unable to figure out how to make it larger