Hi FW,
One of our professional services team members gave me an additional option. If you are already filtering out the line items that you do no want to include in this total, you can add a label to the report and use the summary function for this.
Your summary will looks something like this, but replace Estimate with Invoice:
The label will ...
Thank you for the speedy reply!
When will Method New be available? When the new login screen became active, I do remember seeing it as an option in the account selection. However, I no longer see that option.
The web forms are so slow that I have a hard time seeing us deploy that without a BIG disclaimer stating that there ...
The reason why is because then I would need to modify every point of contact with method invoice report generation, which would also slow down the associated action sets. Not acceptable. If I can do this from the report designer, only a single point of contact needs to be made and it will integrate seamlessly with all future invoices ...
Hi FW,
Would you mind telling me why?
Your alternative may be to write a script in report designer to calculate this. You may be able to use an ‘If’ statement to filter the line items you need to include, but this goes beyond my knowledge of scripting in report designer and beyond what I can provide support for.
Already thought of that. But not an acceptable solution.
Hi FW,
How about using actions on your Invoices screen to calculate this total and then store it in a custom field on your Invoice table? Then all you would need to do is replace the total field on your report.
I'm trying to prepare a Method report template that lists only inventory items, non-inclusive of freight. This is a commercial invoice template and freight charge on there would mess with the customs & duties. I've figured out a way to filter the line items only to include inventory items, however, I cannot figure out a way to create a ...
Hi Jim,
Web forms are being replaced with public pages in Method New (M:N) and will remain in beta for the remainder of the life of Method Classic (M:C). Public pages will essentially allow you to create a screen in M:N and integrate the screen into your website. This allows for more control, better data verification and simpler customization ...
Good Day!
Is there any update on this request? The question was initially asked 3-1/2 years ago with the latest response 1-1/2 years ago.
Are there any plans to work on Web Forms? Or, will this remain a "beta" part of Method ad infinitum?
The ability to change the landing page would be nice.
It would also be nice if ...
Hi Audisho,
Thanks for the advice. Yes Loop requires a lot of processing time.
Thanks for the help!