Hi joshsAA,
Labels and text objects do not allow you to format the contained value in this manner. Most of the objects with dollar amounts on our screens are money fields that are stored in the table. These fields are formatted to 2 decimal places by default.
If you are using a basic math calculation action to obtain your daily sales value, the ...
How can I format a number that is in a label found on a screen, NOT in a report.? I have a label that contains daily sales, but looks like 2840.2300 and I would like it to look like $2,840.23.
Hi Douglas,
Have you taken a look at our Report Designer video tutorials? They're a good starting point if you haven't dealt with Report Designer much. It's a fairly robust program, so it's not surprising if you don't know how to use it right off the bat.
The Generate Report action is an action in Method (not in ...
Hi Jonathan,
My apologies, you are correct that this does not work. Try this instead; add the IsLeadStatusOnly field to the grid so that it is accessible as an on screen object. Then edit your conditional statement to use the field on the grid:
Start Conditional Statement: Value From Screen: Contacts:IsLeadStatusOnly = YES
Go To Tab ...
Hi Audisho,
The result always show cannot find the value IsLeadStatusOnly. Does Value From Row function must have a Value instead of character?
Thank you.
Hi Justin. I created the report with the tables you re commended, but when I preview it, only our company information is repeated over and over. Not sure why.
Also, I'm not sure where the generate report action is. Not sure why I'm having so much trouble, I used to be a quality control analyst for Ingenix (United ...
April 21st, 2015
Contacts App
*New* Added App Preference snapshot to allow users to set default print and email templates (Ticket AS-587)
*New* Added Customer:Job field to New Contact & Edit Entity screens (Ticket AS-160)
*New* Added Customer FullName field to grid in Contact List screen. Field is hidden by default, but still ...
Hi Mahlon,
This issue should now be resolved. You may experience a delay in loading your Dashboard as the updates are installed. Post back here if there's any issues.
- Justin
Hi Jonathan,
I should add that SQL overrides can be tricky and if done incorrectly, your grid will fail to load.
If you want to forego all of this, you can customize the CRM_CustomerList and CRM_LeadList screens to include the SalesRep field on the grid. Then all you have to do is search the grid for “Contact” in the Rep / Type / ...
Hi Jonathan,
If you simply want to be able to evaluate and enforce this manually, the quickest way to obtain a count of how many customers and leads are assigned to a particular sales rep is through an SQL override.
Here is an example of a field I added to the QuickBooks_SalesRepList that uses an SQL override to count the number of customers ...