Hi Audisho,
Its solved, I took the list from List Builder and its lot faster :)
Thank you.
I am trying to import tables from our Method account that we began several years ago that is synching with QB Desktop to our new Method account that is synching with QB online.
Let me begin by saying this has not been a pleasant experience. It is not an intuitive process, the instructions on the support page are not detailed enough to be helpful ...
One other thing with PIVOT grids, you need to place your grid in a group header, page header not in Detail section of report.
Hi msfeld,
You can do a mass delete by customizing an activity screen and looping through an activity grid where you have either filtered for all "cancelled" activites" or with having checked all of the activities you want to delete. as always with mass actions, especially delete, ...
How could I separate 3 different values in the build selection list of Start Conditional Statement?
What do you mean "become corrupt"? Before this issue happens, it works well and nothing been done. Or, you are saying that changes other screen may change other screens, too?
Hi Method,
This issue confused me quite a while, I did not pay much attention to solve it since a lot of development to do. Now, in test stage, my client faces this issue quite a lot, so I'd like to know what's going on and the solution.
It actually happens in several default/customized screen, but random. All cases are related ...
We inadvertently added a number or recurring appointments that should never have been on the Method calendar. The status was changed to Cancelled and now we would like to delete all of these cancelled recurring activities (over 2000). Is there an easy way to do this?
Hi Mario,
While the VendorTaxIdent field is listed as 10 characters in the table, it appears to accept up to 15 characters on the vendor screen in Method. I was able to manually input an SSN format xxx-xx-xxxx and it synced over to QuickBooks (QB) fine.
I then exported the vendor and tried to re-import it. Sure enough, I received the same error ...
I exported my vendors out of Method, did a little bulk work on them, and then attempted to import them back. All but 6 succeeded. Those that failed had the following error:
Error:xxx-xx-xxxx is too long for insertion (11 characters). The value must be 10 characters or less.
The x's were originally the vendor's SSN. ...