Hi Fred-
If you take a look at the Assigned To field you dragged you sould see <-> to the left of the Edit, clicking <-> will resize the field.
You will need to group the items to get a summary. If you don't want to print out each individual item and just the summary don't put the fields in the detail section just put it in the group footer.
QuickBooks has to be up and running for Method to properly sync with it. You don't have to have Method installed on the file server, just install it on the a work station and make the work station the main syncing computer.
Hi Fred-
Take a look at our webinars found HERE. They go over customization in Method as well as general use of the CRM.
After adding the new fields to the Table you will now need to add the new fields to your screens. You will have to make a copy of your customer screen and drag the newly created fields onto it.
You can still use the orginal screen. What replacing the links does is it points all the screens that were looking at the orginal screen to now look at the new screen. The orginal screen still exists and if you delete the copied screen it will replace the links to reference the orginal screen once more.
This conflict message comes straight from QuickBooks and it is not
something Method can control, it's basically telling you that the change you
want to make can't be done because QuickBooks is still using the record. Method
tries to push the change but if QuickBooks has the record locked then Method
can't apply the ...
If you click Un-Delete for that conflict does it go away and allow the modification or does that conflict return?
I'm not exactly sure what you mean when you refer to the screen getting locked up. Can you post a screenshot or email me a screenshot of this?
In regards to creating Opportunites/Leads/Customers have you taken a look at our webinars found HERE
What's the date on that invoice? Does it maybe fall outside of the transaction history you set in Method? (QuickBooks > Synchronize).
When you are making changes to these invoices are you making the changes in QB or Method? What conflicts are the invoices generating?