Hi Audisho,
It actually happends in Chrome and FireFox, after refreshing cache and clear cookies, still happens. It once works well, then just happened yesterday.
My solution is to copy this screen to another one. then it works without error message in new screen.
[quote user="mholden"]
ok. watched the videos. very helpful!
however, i am not seeing my report in the report section. I created a report on the "entity" table. Should i be able to see that under leads and customers? since there is no lead or customer table i don't know how to get my report ...
Hi Alex,
One of our partners recently ran into this issue. Here is what resolved it.
[quote user="Matt"]If that doesn't work, check the names of your sections. I just had this happen and it turns out that one of my sections got renamed when copying the screen and one of the screen load actions called another action that shows or ...
i built this report with the contact table and it seems to be ok.
I customize "PurchaseOrders OpenPOs" screen to buill Bill. Today, I received an error message "An unexpected error occurred while processing the results in your browser. If this issue persists please contact your method administrator.".
Is there anything I should check for this kind of error?
ok. watched the videos. very helpful!
however, i am not seeing my report in the report section. I created a report on the "entity" table. Should i be able to see that under leads and customers? since there is no lead or customer table i don't know how to get my report to show up under these ...
Hi scottaskinosie,
The free hour is offered on a per customer basis not a per account basis. If you have already used your free hour previously, we cannot offer you another free hour for the new account.
If you have not used your free hour or you are willing pay the hourly rate to have our professional services team perform this for you, please ...
Is support for migrating tables covered by the hour of support that is offered when opening a new Methd account?
Hi scottaskinosie,
Unfortunately, there is no list of tables that sync / tables that do not sync. Chances are that if it does not directly relate to accounting, then it does not sync. All QB cares about is accounting information. If you’re unsure about any tables, you can ask your bookkeeper if it exists in QB or you can post back here and ...
Thank you Audisho! I appreciate your help:)
We are a small company and the problem is that I am the IT person who handles setting these things up so I know a little about how QB and Method work but not enough to know everything that would be needed and not automatically propogated to CRM. The salespeople that use CRM do not have access to ...