Hi Russ,
I've sent you an email in reply to this thread. We can finish this conversation via email.
Hi Beth,
In Method for QBO, the field services app is called Scheduling & Invoicing. There are some minor differences between the apps, but the overall functionality is the same. The app can be added from the same place as the field services app in Method for QBD. Just navigate to Customize > My Account > Add Apps from the Method ...
One query: Is Method Field services available in the QBOE edition of Method?
Thank you,
Gotcha. I guess another lesson here is to usethe "Notes" field for well, notes... rather than the email message.
Hi Brian,
That’s right! The entire message is copied into the Send an Email section of the activity automatically. If you’ve been logging activities with the gadget, you can probably already see this by simply locating one of these activities in Method.
Hi scottakinosie,
If you are migrating your QuickBooks Desktop file to your QuickBooks Online (QBO) account, the short answer is anything in Method that doesn’t sync with QuickBooks will need to be migrated manually. Almost everything else will be synced from QBO.
Examples of records that will migrate automatically from QBO:
- ...
So, within the gadget you DO NOT need to copy the whole message into the note field? That's not what I would have thought...
I am trying to transition mathod from our qb desktop account to qb online. My account manager toldme I need to open a new account and export data from th eold acount currently tied to qb desktop to the new account tied to qb online. My question is, what will not move automatically when QB synchs with method?
I imagine that activities will need to ...
Can you email me a list from the logs of the urls that are using the incorrect credentials?
We are modifying the code to handle blanks and nulls passed into the serial and code number parameters.
Hi Russ,
I see two potential problems based on our logs -
1) I can see for the majority of calls you are using the for authentication. I do see periodic calls to the methodAPISelect_DataSetV2 that utilize just your Username though - and these appear to be calls that are failing. My hunch here ...