I added an object to my CRM_NewLead(Copy) screen which is a dropdown. I also added the same object to my CRM_EditLead(2) screen but the values selected do not persist, they disappear if I add a new lead, go somewhere else then return to that contact the dropdowns are blank on either screen. They are not being associated to the lead when I save it. ...
Hi Stuart,
This error indicates that your filter is incorrect. What happens when you remove the filter criteria from the action? Does the report generate correctly? If so, I suggest you double-check your filter criteria.
If you believe that your filter criteria are correct, there may be corrupt data in the table causing this error. You can ...
Hi Lori,
If you’re unfamiliar with customization and are interesting in diving into it yourself, our customization webinars are a good place to start. Giving you step-by-step instructions if you have no prior knowledge of customization in Method goes beyond what I can really provide you on the forums. If you watch the videos and have some ...
I tried to view Mobile_Customers screen and I get an error:(see below) I followed instructions and gave permissions to all users and logged out and then signed in again and still get this error.
Welcome to Method Mobile.
Unfortunately, you either do not have any mobile-optimized screens, or you have not been given permission to access ...
I do not have any idea how to create filters or customize screens. Forgive me, but you will have to give me step by step instructions.
Thank you
I am trying to add a filter to a Generate a Report command.
I have completed the Generate a Report command including a filter.
Report = Refferal Detail Report
Tables of Report = RefferalsLinked
Fields in Table = ServedDate
Condition Statement = Greater than or Equal to
From = Value From Screen
Hi Matt,
This should now be resolved. Post back here if you're still having issues with it.
- Justin
Hi lzimmerle,
These filters do not exist on the mobile customers screen by default. Just like almost everything in Method, you can add these filters to the screen through customization.
I recommend that you take a look at the grid filters on the CRM_CustomerList screen and create matching filters on the Mobile_Customers screen to your ...
The mobile version view is very limited, only showing customer list. When I log in on a desktop with regular classic version, it allows me to choose different customer flitered views like "Shared customers with balance over 0" How can I get a view like that in the mobile version?
Hi Robert,
Would you mind detailing exactly what you are trying to accomplish as an end result and provide me with an example? I need to understand exactly what you are trying to accomplish in order to provide you with a complete answer. If you can, please include any screen shots that you think may be helpful.