Makes sense - thanks for explaining it. I created a custom date field in Contacts for the DOB information.
Thanks again,
Hi Tami,
I’ll do my best to answer each of your questions:
1) The Amount field is actually a calculation of QTY * Rate. If this calculation ends in a whole number, then this is why you are not seeing a decimal value.
2) Your Method New (M:N) account will be completely stock. Any customization that you have done in Method Classic ...
The following updates will soon be made live for users of Method:Classic.
The following updates are planned for April 8, 2015.
Fix - Error when connecting to MailChimp (Ticket AS-495)
Fix - Scheduler times not observing DST as Morocco time (Ticket AS-269)
Fix - Webform email notifications not sent with port numbers (Ticket ...
Good Afternoon,
I have a customized invoice in "old method". My tech was attempting to use the new site today and noticed several issues with the app side:
1). The amount field is accepting only whole numbers not decimals
2). I have a box to place an RO # that no longer shows up
3). There are way more fields ...
Hi Jonathan,
I wrote a Help Center article that details doing this using the Import / Export tool that you may want to look at. This is a good option if you don’t do this very often.
I’ve also created a simple screen that can perform this. This is a better option if you will be doing this often. I based the screen on the Entity ...
Hi techconnect,
The reason that you can’t import into this field from the Contacts table is because this is a linked field. The field itself comes from the Entity table.
If you plan on using this field, you should know that because the relationship from Entity to Contacts is one to many, all contacts linked to the same entity ...
Does anyone know how to have a button which assign ticked account to specific sales rep?
I want to create a specific table for managers where they have ability to check more than 1 account and assign to new sales rep. But I couldn't find the correct action after clicking a button. Does anyone has idea how to make this ...
I've been importing Contact data. I noticed that Birthdate is a field in the Contact table but that it's not available in To Existing Field dropdown when importing or updating Contact records. Is there a way of getting birthdate data into Method other than the user interface?
Thanks very much - got it. Appreciate the help!
Hi eshep,
Make sure that you are adding the appointment to the correct calendar in your Google calendar account. You can change the calendar by selecting the Edit Event >> on the desktop version of Google calendar. If you’re doing this from a mobile app, there should be a way to specify the calendar from within the app. The Method ...