Hi Zarko,
The Customer table is actually just a view of the Entity table. This view only contains fields that pertain to customers and only displays records that have the EntityType “Customer”.
When you add a custom field to the Customer table, you are actually adding it to the Entity table as well as the Customer view. If you ...
I set up Method activities calendar to sync with my Google Calendar. If I make the activity in Method it appears in my Google Calendar but if I make an event in Google it does not appear in my Method calendar. I know this is not the preferred way to use the calendar, I just want to make sure the two calendars are fully syned.
Hi Clayton,
I understand that you spoke with one of our support team members over the phone and they were able to resolve this issue with you.
For future reference, the issue that you were having was that several of your sections had disappeared from the screen designer view of your custom screen. The sections could still be seen on the ...
I added few custom fields to 'New Customer' screen ('Customer' table).
I would like to make custom fields mandatory in entries form.
I imported data from excel document (data we exported from NetSuite) to the table.
In 'Table/Fields' I tried to edit fields for 'Customer' table, to make custom fields ...
Hi Gerald,
Unfortunately, at this time we do no sync purchase orders with QuickBooks Online. There is a plan to develop this functionality in the future, but I cannot provide an ETA for when this will be complete.
This means that for the time being, you will be unable to perform this customization for purchase orders in Method. Sorry for the ...
I am using QB Online to sync with Method, one thing I did not notice previously was the fact that Purchase Orders only sync with the desktop edition of QB. One of the main reasons I decided to use Method was because I needed to customize forms (Invoices, Credit Memos and Purchase Orders) more than what QBO allows. This is working great ...
Hi Rob,
Are you perhaps attempting to use the Method Classic desktop site from your iPhone? If so, this is certainly the cause of your issue. Please make sure that you are using the mobile site on any mobile devices, as the Method Classic desktop site is not compatible with mobile browsers.
If you are already doing this, you could try ...
Hi Mike,
In Method for QBD, you can set a customer as a sub customer or job, by selecting the parent customer under the Additional Info tab from the Job of Customer drop down.
In Method for QBO, you can do this under the Additional Info tab by checking the This customer is a sub-customer? box and selecting the parent customer from ...
We've been testing with Method for QBO and Method for the desktop version(s) of Quickbooks. In Method for QBO, the Additional Information section of the New Customer screen has a checkbox and dropdown for selecting a parent company. I don't see a corresponding way of entering or updating parent company information in Method for ...