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  • Re: Filter Grid by Date

    Hi Matt, I made this change, but still can&rsquo;t reproduce the error. -Audisho
    Posted to Fixed and resolved issues (Forum) by Method_Audisho on 04-02-2015
  • Re: Importing Subcustomers

    Hi Mike, There is a database trigger that automatically creates the FullName field so you do not need to include this in your import. You do need to include the Name field however, as this is a required field. The resulting FullName field of the imported record will look like &ldquo;ParentFullName:Name&rdquo;. I hope this helps. -Audisho
  • Re: Current Date Time in Insert Record

    Hi Matt, I was able to assign the current session date / time to 2 fields in an Insert Record Into Table action fine. &nbsp; I tried assigning the current session date / time to an action result and use that action result twice in an Insert Record Into Table action, but received an error and was unable to save this. Removing and ...
    Posted to Method Beta General Q & A (Forum) by Method_Audisho on 04-02-2015
  • Re: Filter Grid by Date

    Hey Audisho, The only thing I can see that looks different is the date picker I have on the screen is formatted to only show the date, not the time as well. Let me know if it is still working for you if you try that and I can send you the account info.
    Posted to Fixed and resolved issues (Forum) by Matt on 04-02-2015
  • Re: Filter Grid by Date

    Hi Matt, I added the filter you described to the activity list screen, but can&rsquo;t reproduce the error. Here is what I&rsquo;ve added: &nbsp; Is there anything that I&rsquo;m missing? If you email me the company account name and app info, I&rsquo;m happy to sign in and take a look. -Audisho
    Posted to Fixed and resolved issues (Forum) by Method_Audisho on 04-02-2015
  • Importing Subcustomers

    When importing a customer record that is a subcustomer of an exisiting record, does the FullName get updated automatically as part of the import or do I need to specificy the Customer:Subcustomer text in the FullName field as part of the import.&nbsp; For example, if I&#39;m importing: FirstName:&nbsp; Sub Lastname:&nbsp; ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by techconnect on 04-02-2015
  • Re: Can't use API Create AccountV3 (not get Developer and Developer GUID)

    Hi Chris, They&#39;re having trouble with this still. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by EricW on 04-01-2015
  • Current Date Time in Insert Record

    It appears that the Current Date / Time can only be used once in an insert record into table action. I am trying to insert a record into the time tracking table with the txndate and timetrackingstarttime fields both getting their value from the current date/time. In this case on the txn date field get populated. If I assign the current date/time ...
    Posted to Method Beta General Q & A (Forum) by Matt on 04-01-2015
  • Filter Grid by Date

    I created a screen similar to the field service work order screen. It has a date object at the top and a grid of work orders. Today it stopped working with the error &quot;The view filter expression could not be parsed&quot; Error Reference 6349-9270-0067. The issue is the View filter relating to the date. I have it set to filter the DueDate Start ...
    Posted to Fixed and resolved issues (Forum) by Matt on 04-01-2015
  • Method:Beta Update — Week of March 30, 2015

    Hello Beta Crew, In this week&rsquo;s release we&rsquo;ve made several fixes. Summary We&rsquo;ve implemented fixes for grids, drop downs and multiple accounts open in a browser. Details and bug fixes Increased performance when loading user data. (ticket # PL-435) Addressed issue with wrong icons being displayed on ...
    Posted to Method Beta General Q & A (Forum) by Method_Carmina on 04-01-2015
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