Hi Mattohm,
The Job Name field from the work order screen is actually the Activity:Comments field. Try adding this to your template and let me know if this is what you are looking for.
Hi Rob,
We don’t have any documentation for what is supported through VB and C# in Report Designer scripts. You can find a VB reference guide on Microsoft’s website. There may be a few limitations, but you will need to discover these through trial and error. Have you tried creating the script yet? What was the result?
I know we ...
Hi Method_Audisho,
I made a mistake i was actually looking for the "Job Name" field, we have it renammed in our add/edit work order screen. Im looking in report designer for the field but cant seem to find it. Any thoughts on where it may be located?
Hi Mattohm,
I tried this and it’s working perfectly for me. I even changed the modified report to the default in Method and tested generating the PDF. This worked perfectly as well.
After adding the Activity:WorkOrderInstructions field, you do need to save the template before it will be displayed in the preview section of Report ...
I need a FOR...NEXT loop in an OnBeforePrint event. Where is the language documentation for all supported VB logical constructs within events in the Report Designer?
Im creating a custom print template in Method Report Designer. I believe we use the Work Order Instructions field to lay out what our scope of work is for any given job. I cannot seem to get this field to print with our new template. Currently i am adding the "Activity:WorkOrderInstructions" field to the report but again nothing ...
Hi John,
This should now be resolved. Post back if there's any issues with it.
- Justin
Hi Mahlon,
This feature is being deprecated as it is no longer required in Method:New. Value from Loop is available in all actions, so that will be its replacement.
- Justin
Hi Clayton,
I’m happy to have a look at this. You can send me an email to and include the additional screen shots that you have and any further detail that you may not be comfortable with posting here. Do keep in mind that all replies will be posted here.
You can also send me your company account name and the screen ...
I have a scree with 10 sections and quite a bit of buttons, fields, grids, action sets, etc in each section. Last week I was doing some housekeeping and went to reorganize the sections and the page reloaded and only the first two sections were visable. After some troubleshooting I realized the sections were still there, just ...